China is known as the manufacturing capital of the world, pumping out products such as smartphones and solar panels for global consumption — can it manufacture entertainment too?
Shanghai's SNH48, one of China's rising girl bands, certainly thinks so. Last month, the group’s backers raised more than Rmb1bn ($150m) from investors, eager to tap into a popularity that saw them sell 2m albums in China last year to teenage girls enamoured with their songs about romance, princesses and beach vacations.
Historically, Chinese teenagers have danced to imported music from Japan and South Korea. But last year’s ban on Korean music — triggered by Seoul’s decision to host a US missile shield as a defence against its hostile northern neighbour — opened up an opportunity for singers and savvy investors alike.
“In the past few years, the Chinese pop music scene has grown rapidly through China’s own rich human resources and bold investment,” says Nick Pyo, a South Korean producer.
“过去几年里,中国流行音乐行业借助其本国丰富的人力资源和大胆投资,实现了快速发展,”韩国制作人Nick Pyo表示。
Unlike western pop, which trades on authenticity and the idea of performers singing from the heart, SNH48 is run more like a tech start-up than a musical group. Taking its inspiration from Japanese group AKB48, instead of a core group it runs on teams of interchangeable singers — a strategy managers hope will allow them to build generations of young female stars and longer-lasting revenue streams.
Fans vote for their favourite performers and teams, each with their own look and sound. A mobile app lets diehard supporters track their favourite performers, watch their daily live streams and send them personalised notes.
Anita Huang, a managing partner at Sinovation Ventures, one of the earliest investors in SNH48, says that in traditional celebrities-centred businesses that are dependent on individuals, “one, two, three persons are hot for a while but if they are not, then the business dies”.
创新工场(Sinovation Ventures)管理合伙人黃蕙雯(Anita Huang)表示,在依赖个人的传统的、以名人为核心的公司里,“一到三个人会红一段时间,如果她们不红了,那么公司也就完了”。创新工场是最早投资SNH48的机构之一。
New teams are carefully cultivated by SNH48’s managers and introduced each year. “The S team is older, and they are more upbeat and lively, whereas the H team is more strait-laced,” says Tao Ying, chief executive of Shanghai Siba Media and Culture Group, the company behind SNH48. “The N team has more of a cute vibe, which suits them because they are all on the shorter side.”
每年,SNH48的经理们都会小心地培养并推出新组合。“S组合年纪更大,她们更有生机和活力,而H组合就更拘谨一些,”SNH48的运营方上海丝芭文化传媒有限公司(Shanghai Siba Media and Culture Group)的CEO陶莺说,“N组合有着一种更萌的氛围,这适合她们,因为她们的个子都不太高。”
Still, rampant piracy makes China a tough music market. Despite its size, it is only the 19th biggest music market in the world, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. Industry revenues were just $170m in 2015.
不过,盗版猖獗使中国音乐市场十分艰难。国际唱片业协会(International Federation of the Phonographic Industry)的数据显示,尽管中国音乐市场规模巨大,但在全球仅仅排在第19位。2015年,中国音乐行业营收仅为1.7亿美元。
SNH48 does not let other apps or streaming platforms sell or play their music. Last year it made $12m from album sales. “We want to take things one step at a time in China first,” Ms Tao says, “but of course we are thinking of entering into different markets.”
While SNH48 is one of the biggest teen bands, it is competing in an increasingly crowded domestic space as Chinese companies flood the charts with girl and boy groups. Its competitors include Acrush, a boy band that is actually made up of androgynous women.
SNH48 hosts live performances five nights a week in its 350-seat theatre on the fringe of urban Shanghai, and hosts handshake events across the country. At a live performance last month, fans waved pendants for their favoured performers and chanted adoring poems to them.
“I like just coming and hanging out in the theatre with the rest of the fans,” says Shi Jinhong, 21. “It is like a second home here.”
“我喜欢来到剧院跟其他粉丝闲逛,”21岁的Shi Jinhong说,“这就像是第二个家。”