1. You Instantly Rub Your Lips Together After Application:
1. 抹完口红后立马用手抹匀:
This action seems to be simply human nature. We apply lipstick or gloss and our immediate reaction is to rub our lips together to blend and even out the product. In actuality, this move emulsifies our lipstick, which instantly makes it less bright and thins it out. If you can get out of this habit, you will find that the wearability of your lipstick is up by about 100 percent. Apply your lip product and resist the urge to rub your lips together.
这一行为看起来只是人的本能 。涂完口红或唇釉后,我们立马就会用手抹匀 。事实上,这一行为会乳化我们的口红,立即使其变得稀薄、不再那么鲜亮 。如果改掉这一习惯,你就会发现口红的持久性达到了百分百左右 。涂完口红后,请克制自己抹匀的冲动!
2. Your Lips Are Dry and Scaly:
2. 你的嘴唇干燥、脱皮:
There are products on the market that will help with this problem and they are not traditional lip balms. Most often, lip balms and chapsticks simply provide a waxy coat that protects the lips and does nothing to actually get rid of dry flaky lip skin. Lip scrubs are a great way to instantly see a difference in the texture of your lips. Last week, I tried a miracle product that worked wonders to get my lips back into perfect health after a long Winter. This groundbreaking treatment is like a face mask for your lips, that feels tingly and delightful. Leave on for a few minutes and then wipe off to reveal smooth silky lips perfectly ready for long-lasting lipstick.
市场上有些产品能帮助解决这一问题,但这些产品并不是传统意义上的润唇膏 。大多数情况下,润唇膏只是提供了一种保护嘴唇的蜡膜,实际上并不会解决嘴唇干燥脱皮的问题 。唇膜能减淡嘴唇细纹,有立竿见影的效果 。上周,我用了一个很神奇的产品,让我的嘴唇在长冬过后重又柔嫩饱满,十分神奇 。这一突破性的产品就像是唇部面膜,让人感觉惬意舒心 。涂完后过几分钟再撕掉,这样光滑柔嫩的嘴唇就能让口红持久哦 。
3. You are Only Wearing One Lipstick:
3. 一次只涂一种口红:
I am a big fan of at least three lip products at a time. Lipliner, lipstick and gloss is the ultimate combination to be sure that you have armed your lips with the most color possible. It takes mere minutes to apply these three products, and even if you are the type of person that is doing this in the rearview mirror, it's worth the extra minute to be sure that you won't have to reapply for hours.
我一次至少要涂三种护唇品 。唇线笔、口红和唇釉是终极套餐,能确保嘴唇颜色最美 。只需几分钟即可涂好这三种产品,即使你是那种照着后视镜匆匆涂唇膏的人,多用几分钟再涂两种产品也十分值得,因为之后的好几个小时你都不用担心了 。
4. You Don't Use Straws:
4. 你不用吸管:
Are people just guzzling down beverages with reckless abandon and demanding lipstick perfection? If you are one of those type of women then rethink how you are drinking your latte or your diet soda. Straws are your friend when keeping your lipstick on perfectly. Is it weird to drink hot coffee with a straw? Maybe. But your lipstick will thank you.
现在的人们是不是都肆无忌地大口喝酒,同时又希望自己的口红保持完美?如果你是这类人,那你就该重新思考怎么喝拿铁或健怡可乐了 。吸管能让口红处于完美状态 。用吸管喝热咖啡是不是有点怪啊?也许吧,但你的口红会感谢你的 。