A talented teenage girl has an incredibly risky make-up routine - that involves applying her eyeliner with a KNIFE. And the danger doesn't stop there for the youngster.
Anamika Kothari, 14, uses her knee to hold onto the blade before she dips it black kajal to apply her eyeliner. Her flexibility and steady hand has even earned her a stint on India's Got Talent.
年仅14岁的印度女孩Anamika Kothari可以用自己的膝盖托住刀,然后用刀尖蘸黑色眼线液来画眼线。她的柔韧性以及稳定的手让她在印度的《达人秀》里声名大噪。
Anamika, who lives in Ajmer in Rajasthan, northern India, said: "I'm usually a shy and conservative person."
"I never wanted to be famous but I love performing tricks now. It's a real buzz doing this trick. I want to keep pushing myself and perform lots of challenging yoga positions."
Anamika began learning yoga just two years ago. Her father and trainer, Narendra Kumar Kothari, 35, has been determined to give his children a talent in life after he was forced to quit school with no prospects.
Anamika学瑜伽仅仅两年,她今年35岁的爸爸Narendra Kumar Kothari是她的教练,在他被迫退学、毫无前景后,他不得不让自己的孩子学习一项技能。
He said: "My parents didn't have enough money to educate me or nurture any of my talents. But my children will not suffer the same. I'm determined to make sure they're a success in everything they do."
After experimenting with a variety of stunts Anamika decided to try and achieve something exceptional. "I saw something similar online," she said. "So I adapted it a little and came up with this stunt. It was risky at first but I took it slow. Now it's fun."
Last year, she even made it on India's Got Talent with her eye-watering stunt. "My friends got jealous when I appeared on TV," she said. "They avoided me at school. But when more people came to know about my talents my popularity grew. My friends quickly came back. I'm ok with it, it's life."
She's won several medals and certificates at national level but the dream is to be world famous and break world records. But more importantly show India – a country that values males more than females - that 'girls are as good as boys'.