When you're head over heels for someone, or maybe when you're feeling insecure, it's sometimes easy to put someone else's wants and needs before your own. But if you don't catch yourself in time, you may lose a part of who you are. Ladies, don't ever do the following things for a man - or for anyone.
当为某人穿上高跟鞋,或是当自己没有安全感时,你会很容易首先考虑别人的需求,而不是自己的想法 。但如果不及时抓住自己,你可能会失去一部分自我 。女士们,千万不要为男人或任何人做以下这些事 。
1. Change your appearance.
1. 改变自己的容貌 。
If your SO is a decent human being, they won't ever force you to alter the way you look for their benefit. They should love you for you, and all of you. If your weight, hair, or style really bothers him, he's clearly not with you for the right reasons. Any physical changes you make should be made because you want them, not for attention or for someone else.
如果你的另一半正直体面,那么他们是不会为了自己爽而强迫你改变自己的容貌的 。他们应该爱本真的你、爱全部的你 。如果你的体重、发型或风格真的让他困扰,那他跟你在一起肯定别有目的 。你所做的任何有关身体的改变都应该发自内心,而不是为了博得他人的注意或其它原因 。
2. Compromise your passions.
2. 妥协自己的激情 。
Absolutely no one should get in the way of your goals. It is your life, after all, and nobody else will regret leaving any dreams behind more than you. The decision to pass on a job opportunity or put an idea on hold might seem best at the moment, but the future is never guaranteed. Your partner should support your endeavours, and if he's willing to come along for the ride, that's just a bonus.
任何人都不该阻碍你实现自己的目标 。毕竟,这可是你的生活啊,没有人会比你更后悔放弃了自己的梦想 。放弃工作机会或搁置自己的想法,这些决定在目前看来可能是最好的选择,但未来谁都无法保证 。你的另一半应该支持你的努力,如果他愿意和你携手共进,那可真是福利了 。
3. Wait for his approval.
3. 等待他的批准 。
A strong woman plays by her rules and doesn't sit around for instructions. You should be assertive and go forward with your own decisions rather than seek validation from someone else. You're grown enough to know what's best for you.
坚强的女性按照自己的原则办事,不会等着别人的指示 。你应该自信、独自做决定,而不是寻求他人的认可 。你已经长大了,应该知道什么最适合自己 。
4. Cancel already-set plans.
4. 取消已经制定好的计划 。
It's different to reschedule when something important comes up, but it's problematic when you drop what you're doing just to be with him. Your friends and family should not be on the sideline and only brought in when he's unavailable. You should never be on standby, and if he's respectful, he won't mind catching you another time.
这一点与重大事情发生时重新计划是不一样的,但如果你为了和他在一起而放弃手头上的事情,那问题就来了 。你的朋友和家人不应该是次要的,你不该在男朋友没空时才想起他们 。你永远都不该处于待命状态,如果他彬彬有礼,那他肯定不会介意和你改天再约 。
5. Let him change who you are.
5. 让他改变原本的你 。
Don't change who you are for anyone but yourself. And if you do decide to make any self-adjustments, they should be improvements that will better you. It's possible that he'd be more interested if you do x, y, and z, but he wouldn't genuinely like you for you. Never lose sight of who you are.
不要为除自己以外的任何人改变你自己 。如果你真的决定做一些自我调整,那也应该是那种能让你变得更优秀的改变 。如果你做这件或那件事,很有可能他会对你更感兴趣,但他却不是真正的因为你而喜欢你 。永远不要忘记自己是谁 。