Talking Bad About Friends/Family
Whether it's parents, a brother or sister, or a close friend, family and friends serve as a relationship-board-of-directors for most women and, unless extreme, you've been together for a tremendously long time you should steer clear of saying negative things about any of them, Dia Hicks, relationship expert and founder and CEO of SwaggerScan says. No matter how many times he or she delivers negative depictions of them, still they are family and were in their life long before you, he adds.
不管是父母、兄弟、姐妹还是知己,对于大多数女性而言,家人和朋友就是恋情的咨询员,除非特殊情况下,比如你们已经谈了很长时间,否则你就不能说女友家人和朋友的坏话,SwaggerScan的创建人兼首席执行官蒂亚•希克斯说道,同时他也是情感专家 。不管你说了多少次有关她家人或朋友的坏话,他们仍然是一家人,而且比你更为重要,他补充说 。
Hygiene is one of those important things within a relationship, it tends to go unappreciated until its missing, Hicks says. This is because you’re supposed to keep yourself cleaned up, washed up, combed up and smelling nice most of the time at least. “Lack of hygiene can also make for frigidity during intimate moments. This may appear as her being frigid to you but to her it’s your fault for being a stinky-poo,” he adds.
恋情中最重要的事情之一就是卫生,直到意识到干净的重要性,人们才会对其加以重视,希克斯说道 。这是因为至少你要看上去干干净净的,大多数的时候要梳洗干净,还要闻起来香喷喷的 。“亲密时刻不干净的话也会导致冷场 。对你而言,可能是她冷漠寡淡,但对她而言,一切都是你的错,谁让你臭哄哄的呢,”他补充道 。
“While it is never ok to lean on your girlfriend financially, it may also be a bad idea to lavish her with gifts too fast,” Hicks says. “It won't be her fault for indulging, the blame will rest solely on your own money clip because sometimes even the most honest women will find it hard to say 'no' to being showered with expensive gifts.”
“在金钱方面一直依赖自己的女朋友是不行的,而且总是用贵重的礼物逗她开心也不是一个好主意,”希克斯说道 。“恃宠而骄并不是她的错,要怪只能怪你的钱包太鼓了,因为有时候,即使是最诚实的女人也很难在昂贵的礼物面前说‘不’ 。”
Broken Promises
When you make a promise to your significant other, they expect you to follow through. “You should make a rule to never make too many promises but the times and moments when you do, make sure you deliver in spades,” Hicks says. “In fact, there's already a saying for this - 'under promise and over deliver'! There ya go!”
当你对人生中重要的一半做出承诺时,她们是希望你能兑现的 。“你应该给自己定条规则,不要许下太多的承诺,但轮到自己许下承诺的时刻,一定要确保自己圆满兑现,”希克斯说道 。“事实上,有一句老话已经充分表达——‘言必信,行必果’!加油!”
“Guys, women love a little jealousy so it's alright if you show just a little,” Hicks says. “Some guys are so intent on showing savvy when they're out with their drop dead gorgeous girlfriend that they miss the opportunity to show her she's cherished.”
“男生们,当你们表现出一点点的嫉妒时,女生们是很喜欢的,”希克斯说道 。“有些男孩子和女神级女友出去时,总表现得淡定自若,因此就错失了表现嫉妒的机会 。”