US president Donald Trump risks stoking extremism in Africa and provoking a further exodus of migrants heading for Europe if he goes ahead with plans to cut funding to the continent, according to the head of the African Development Bank.
非洲开发银行(AfDB)掌舵人称,如果美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)推进他的削减对非洲拨款计划,他有可能助长这个大洲的极端主义,并刺激更多移民前往欧洲。
Akinwumi Adesina, president of the AfDB, told the Financial Times that Africa was facing a “triangle of disaster” in high youth unemployment, extreme poverty and environmental degradation related to climate change.
非洲开发银行行长阿金武米?阿德希纳(Akinwumi Adesina)告诉英国《金融时报》,非洲正面临一个“灾难三角”,即青年失业率高、极端贫困,以及与气候变化相关的环境退化。
His warning comes after Mr Trump proposed a budget last month that would slash foreign aid and cut the US contribution to the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, such as the AfDB, by $650m annually.
“The development agenda must not be myopic. We must therefore do everything to support Africa, to create more jobs?.?.?.?To do that requires a lot of financing. We need more resources to do more as a bank,” Mr Adesina said.
“Everywhere you find this triangle of disaster you always find terrorists,” he added.
Somalia, where al-Shabaab extremists have a strong foothold, has been hit by a series of severe droughts that many experts link to global warming. In north-east Nigeria, a region where Boko Haram militants have wreaked havoc, poverty and lack of job opportunities are often cited as contributing to young people’s susceptibility to extremism.
青年党(al-Shabaab)极端分子拥有稳固立足点的索马里,遭受了一连串严重干旱的冲击。许多专家认为这些旱灾与全球变暖有关。在非洲东北的尼日利亚——博科哈拉姆(Boko Haram)武装分子对该国造成了严重破坏——贫困和缺乏就业机会往往被认为是导致年轻人容易接受极端主义的推动因素。
Many African countries, particularly commodity exporters, have also been enduring their worst economic downturns in years.
Last week, the International Monetary Fund reduced its growth projection for sub-Saharan Africa to 2.6 per cent this year, although the figure is skewed by the poor performance of South Africa, as well as big oil producers such as Nigeria and Angola. Still, the IMF warned that the region was set to record a second consecutive year of output lagging population growth, meaning per capita incomes are falling in some countries.
The potential cut to US funding also comes at a time when some multilateral institutions, including the World Bank, are running up against capital limits and being forced to scale back lending. In an interview with the FT last week, Steven Mnuchin, US Treasury secretary, was non-committal over whether the new administration would back a capital increase for the World Bank.
就在美国可能减少拨款之际,包括世行在内的一些多边机构开始遭遇资本限制,被迫减少放贷。在上周接受英国《金融时报》采访时,美国财长史蒂文?姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)没有在特朗普政府是否将支持对世行增资的问题上表态。
Mr Adesina said multilateral development banks were needed more than ever.
“If you don’t create jobs in Africa fast then the whole terrorism thing that you see in Africa is just the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Look at all the young people heading for the Mediterranean Sea. The future of Africa doesn’t lie on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. It lies in a more prosperous Africa.”
He also appealed to Mr Trump’s business instincts. The AfDB’s work on infrastructure and other projects benefited US companies operating in Africa, he said.
US legislation giving African countries preferential trade access to the US — the African Growth and Opportunity Act — had helped non-oil African exports to the US reach $4.5bn annually, but also contributed to $18bn of US exports to Africa, creating an estimated 210,000 jobs, Mr Adesina said.
阿德希纳表示,美国给予非洲国家特惠贸易待遇的立法——《非洲增长与机遇法》(African Growth and Opportunity Act)-——已帮助非洲实现每年45亿美元的非石油对美出口,而且也促进美国对非洲出口达到180亿美元,创造了大约21万个工作岗位。
Jeffrey Sachs, a development expert, said that while Washington worried about “wasting our money in Africa”, Beijing was busily seizing the commercial opportunity.
发展专家杰弗里?萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)指出,在华盛顿方面担心“在非洲浪费我们的资金”的同时,北京方面正忙着抓住商机。
“China says we’re not wasting our money, we’re building a new world economy. China gets it and Europe and the US have not gotten it,” Mr Sachs said.