日期:2017-04-24 09:45


Barack Obama missed the chance to renew the World Bank’s global legitimacy, by failing to give up the American monopoly on its leadership. Donald Trump risks further weakening America’s influence on the global financial architecture by cutting the bank’s funding, as his so-called skinny budget proposes.
巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)错失了重新确立世界银行(World Bank)全球合法性的机会,因为他未能放弃美国对世行领导层的垄断。唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)有可能进一步削弱美国对全球金融架构的影响力,因为按照他的所谓“瘦身预算案”(skinny budget),他将削减世行的资金。
Reinforcing the world economy’s recovery is the top priority of central bank governors and finance ministers, who are gathering in Washington for the spring meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. But Mr Trump’s hostility to both Bretton Woods institutions, embodied by plans to cut the World Bank’s funding by $650m over three years, has shaken confidence.
加强世界经济复苏是各国央行行长和财长的首要任务,他们正汇聚华盛顿参加世行和国际货币基金组织(IMF)的春季会议。但是,特朗普对这两家布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)机构的敌意——正如他在三年期间削减6.5亿美元世行资金的计划所体现的——动摇了各方的信心。
Although tensions between Washington and the IMF are acute, the World Bank has the most to worry about. Ordinarily, Jim Yong Kim, its US-nominated president who last year was elected to a second term unopposed, would have used this week’s meetings to lay the groundwork for the first replenishment of bank capital since 2010. Given the signals from Washington, bank staff fear its most powerful shareholder will be in opposition, complicating the task of rallying support for the capital increase from others. For now, it is on hold.
尽管华盛顿与IMF之间的紧张很严重,但世行有最多的事情需要担心。通常情况下,美国提名、去年在无人反对的情况下获得连任的世行行长金墉(Jim Yong Kim),会利用本周的会议为2010年以来首次补充世行资本进行准备工作。鉴于华盛顿发出的信号,世行员工担心其最强大的股东将采取反对立场,使动员其他国家支持增资的任务变得复杂化。就现在而言,这件事被搁置了。
The timing is unfortunate for the bank. Unless it increases its wherewithal it will have to halt its recent surge in low-cost lending just as emerging market borrowing costs look set to rise. This would mark a further retreat from its central development role.


It would also mark a further dilution of American soft power. This was already less effective under Mr Obama, whose imposition of Mr Kim over more qualified developing-world candidates weakened the bank’s credibility among poorer nations and drew US leadership into question. This provided more justification for China to usurp the bank’s role by launching competing institutions, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Mr Trump has rowed back from his rhetorical hostility to other linchpins of the global rules-based system, softening, for example, his antipathy to Nato. It is to be hoped that he will do the same with the World Bank. It is an institution that needs reform, but emasculating it would only cede yet more ground to China.
The days when the US could explicitly dominate the World Bank may be drawing to a close. But the cheapest way of projecting power in any case is through consensus, where others pay in too. Multilateral agencies have the added benefit of disguising where true power lies. China has learnt that fast, and is drawing other nations into its own development financing initiatives. Mr Trump’s hostility to the World Bank threatens to move the US in the opposite direction.
