Honesty is always the best policy, especially when it comes to mental health issues. In "Humans of New York" Colombia series, one girl gets very real about dealing with anxiety and panic attacks.
诚实永远都不会错,尤其是在精神健康问题方面 。在哥伦比亚"纽约客"系列中,有个女孩儿对处理焦虑症和恐慌症的态度十分严肃 。
"I was the best student in my high school. I put so much pressure on myself," she said. "I never failed a class. But I got sick during 10th grade and I started to fall behind. That's when the panic attacks began." She goes on to describe what a panic attack feels like:
"我在我所就读的高中是最优等生 。我给自己施加了太大的压力,"她说道 。"我从未挂过科 。但高一的时候我生了场病,后来成绩就慢慢下降了 。也就在那时,我开始变得恐慌 。"她继续描述恐慌时的感受:
"One day the teacher handed me my grade report, and I couldn't breathe. My heart was beating very fast. I felt disconnected. I saw people trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear them. Eventually I passed out and woke up in the infirmary," she shared.
"有一天老师把我的成绩单给了我,当时我无法呼吸,心跳得很快 。我感到不知所措 。我看到人们试着和我说话,但我却听不到他们的声音 。最后我晕了过去,然后在医务室中醒来,"她分享着她的故事 。
It was then that the attacks started happening almost daily, and they haven't stopped. "Last year I started college. And I can't be the best student here no matter how hard I try," she said. "Everyone is so talented. My panic attacks got so bad that I had to cancel my first semester."
自那之后,我几乎每天都感觉恐慌,而且从未停止 。"去年我开始上大学了 。在大学校园中,无论我多么努力,我都无法成为最优学生,"她说道 。"每个人都是那么的有天赋 。那时我恐慌症发作得厉害,我不得不在第一学期暂停学业 。"
However, now she is facing her anxiety head-on, and things are getting better. "I used to try to hide it. I would log off social media. I wouldn't answer calls. I thought that if nobody knew, it didn't exist," she said. "But the more I talk about my problem, the more I realize that other people experience similar things. So I'm trying to express it more. I had a great teacher who told me: 'Instead of letting anxiety keep you from doing your art, let it be the thing that motivates your art.'"
然而,现在她直面自己的焦虑,事情也变得越来越好 。"我以前总在躲它,我会注销社交媒体账户、我会不接电话 。那时我想,如果没人知道,那焦虑就不存在了,"她说道 。"但对自己的问题谈得越多,我就越来越意识到其他人也在遭遇类似的事情 。所以我试着说出更多有关焦虑的事情 。有一位伟大的老师曾告诉我:'不要让焦虑阻碍你艺术的道路,让它成为你在艺术上前进的动力吧 。'"
You can see the whole gorgeous post here: Recently, women all over the world took to Twitter to share what anxiety feels like. We are not alone.
在这儿你可以看到整个令人叹服的帖子:最近,全世界的女性都在脸书上分享患有焦虑的感受 。我们并不是在独自承受 。