This is for everyone who's ever been asked "Are you feeling OK?" after a bad night's sleep.
“你不舒服吗?”每个人在没睡好以后都被问起过这样的问题 。
A small new study in the journal Sleep shows that sleep-deprived faces look more, shall we say, weary -- in the form of redder and more swollen eyes, dark under-eye circles, more wrinkles and droopier eyelids -- than well-rested faces.
《睡眠杂志》上一个关于睡眠的研究显示,缺乏睡眠的人比睡眠质量好的人看起来更丑——红红的肿泡眼、黑眼圈、皱纹、无精打采的眼睑 。
"Since faces contain a lot of information on which humans base their interactions with each other, how fatigued a person appears may affect how others behave toward them," study researcher Tina Sundelin, M.Sc., a doctoral student in the department of psychology at Stockholm University in Sweden, said in a statement. "This is relevant not only for private social interactions, but also official ones such as with health care professionals and in public safety."
研究员Tina Sundelin, M.Sc.是瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学心理学系博士 。她讲到:“一个人的面部特征可以向外界传达很多信息,直接影响他/她与人的交往 。他/她的看起来的疲倦程度会直接影响别人的社交行为 。” 她补充道:“疲倦的面孔不经会影响到个人的社交,也会影响到专业人士的工作,比如从事健康工作的人和安保工作的人”
The study is based on 10 people who had photographs taken of them at 2:30 p.m. after eight hours of sleep and after going 31 hours with no sleep. Then, 40 study participants looked at 20 photographs and rated them based on fatigue, sadness and facial cues.
这个研究是让10名志愿者在分别在享受8小时充足睡眠以后,和31个小时没有睡觉的情况下,在下午两点半拍一组照片 。然后让40名志愿者观察这些照片,并根据照片中人的面部的信息将它们分类为疲倦、伤心等类别 。
Indeed, the photos of the subjects when they were sleep-deprived depicted more dark under-eye circles, paler skin, and droopy corners of the mouth. The study participants also said that the people who were sleep-deprived looked sadder because they looked tired.
的确,照片上缺乏睡眠的志愿者看起来有更多黑眼圈、更苍白、嘴角松弛下垂 。观察者们还表示,缺乏睡眠的志愿者让人觉得很悲伤,因为他们看起来很累 。
Recently, a study commissioned by Estée Lauder showed that sleep deprivation couldmake your skin age faster, as well as lower its ability to recover from sun exposure.
最近,Estée Lauder的一个研究显示,缺乏睡眠会使你的皮肤老得更快,同时,皮肤对日光损伤的自我修复能力也会更差 。