Unusual food combos have become more popular, as companies and brands seek to capture the changing tastes and fickle attentions of consumers. But not every flavor innovation is going to reach the heights of the cronut, the croissant/donut mashup that Time hailed as one of 2013's best inventions. Some food revolutions won't catch on, and some ideas will be just plain disgusting. Below are 10 that fall into the latter category—gross combinations the world would be better off without.
10.Bacon Toothpaste
We're not saying bacon isn't delicious—it is. We're not saying we don't want to greet the day with the sweet/salty/fat flavor that only bacon can impart—we do. But we are saying that bacon toothpaste is not the way we want to have that experience. The company that produces the "toothpaste that makes your breath bacon fresh" touts that it offers, "the perfect way to keep your teeth and gums healthy while coating your mouth with the delicious flavor of smoky meat!" True die-hard bacon afficianados may be pleased the company also offers bacon floss, so that your entire oral care routine can incorporate bacon, though they may be crushed to learn that the toothpaste doesn't contain any actual bacon.
Reviews of the product suggest that it is mainly purchased as a gag gift, and seems to serve that purpose pretty well, though some people seem to find the smell and taste too bacon-y, while others wish it was even stronger. "Is there anything bacon can't improve?", the company's website asks. We'd have to say yes, and that thing is toothpaste.
9.Seafood Ice Cream
Millions of American children grew up with Fudgie the Whale, the iconic mascot and signature ice cream cake of the Carvel ice cream company. But in Japan, the ice cream might actually contain actual whale, or some other form of seafood. Though seafood consumption in Japan has fallen since 2000, the country's residents still consume more fish than those of many other countries—an average of 27 kg a person in 2014 (compared to global per-capita average annual fish consumptions of 20 kg).
While some of the bounty of Japan's over $11 billion/year fishing industry finds its way into the country's famed sushi restaurants and other traditional seafood dishes, some of it ends up in ice cream options that sound, at best…unusual. Flavors include squid, shrimp, salt fish, and shark's fin. Small-batch local offerings depend on the quality and availability of the local seafood, but depending on where in Japan you find yourself, you could enjoy….or, ummm…try eel, octopus, crab or sea urchin flavored ice cream. And when an influx of massive jellyfish hit Japan in 2009, one dairy company patriotically offered vanilla-and-jellyfish ice cream, which was described as "slightly chewy." We'll pass, thanks.
8.Candy Corn Oreos
Has anyone really ever said, "I can't get enough candy corn! I wish there were more opportunities to enjoy candy corn! I'm sad more things don't have the taste and appearance of candy corn!"? We don't think so. For most of us, the only good part of this so-called candy that looks—and tastes–like a mash-up of dye and plastic is that we only have avoid its unwelcome presence in the candy bowl once a year. So what could be worse than candy corn? Candy corn getting its orange, yellow, and white clutches on otherwise enjoyable snack items!
Kraft's Nabisco brand apparently decided that its Oreo, an unhealthy, but generally beloved cookie, needed a "Halloween makeover." Instead of just, you know, making the cream filling orange or something, it produced the abomination known as the Candy Corn Oreo. These limited edition (thank goodness!) Oreos (not that they really deserve to call themselves Oreos!) feature vanilla cookies sandwiching candy corn filling that is half fluorescent orange and half yellow, capturing all the artificial color and flavor of an ordinary candy corn. One unlucky NPR reporter, who was tasked with reviewing this flavor put it best: "When I eat regular Oreos, I want a glass of milk. When I eat these, I want a glass of poison." Nabisco, we'll admit that the Double Stuf Oreo is decadent, but delicious. We'll even grudgingly tolerate the presence of the Candy Cane Oreo you sometimes trot out for the holidays. But when you decide that the world needs the Candy Corn Oreo, you have gone TOO FAR.
7.Cheetos Macaron
This flavor "innovation" combines two foods that are each pretty good on their own into a gross fusion food that will give your taste buds nightmares. The Cheetos Macaron is the brainchild of Simon Tung and Christina Ha, who own New York City's Macaron Parlor. As with the Candy Corn Oreo, apparently Halloween is to blame for the existence of this combo.
这项口味“创新”融合了两种非常好吃的食物,但两者放一块,简直是味蕾的噩梦。奇多马卡龙是董世文和Christina Ha发明的,他们是纽约马卡龙店的店主。和玉米糖奥利奥一样,这个锅也是万圣节背。
According to the origin story, in October of 2012, Ha (somehow) came into possession of some Cheetos dust. Already, this story sounds pretty suspect; who just happens to have Cheetos dust? But then, the tale takes an even weirder turn: Ha inexplicably decides that the perfect home for this mysteriously orphaned Cheetos dust is in a macaron! She creates a day-glo orange Cheetos-infused cookie, lightly dusted with Cheetos dust. Adding insult to injury, the white chocolate ganache filling is also infused with, you guessed it, Cheetos dust. Unsurprisingly, the bakery owners report that the flavor is polarizing—"a popular conversation starter, but not one of our top flavors." We're guessing that a lot of those conversations focus on, "Whhhhhyyyyy," "How could you," and "Please God, NO!"
6.Slurpee Donut
We will admit our culinary expectations for 7-Eleven are not high. It's a convenience store, after all. Its regular food offerings–sad taquitos making endless rotations on grease rollers and pizza that maintains its shape, and grim vigil, seemingly for weeks at a time—don't exactly inspire confidence, let alone foodie dreams. But this province of snacks destined to be consumed only by drunken frat boys in a 3:00 AM haze was the evil we knew. What we didn't know was that there was the possibility of something even worse lurking out there on the 7-Eleven food horizon—the Wild Cherry Slurpee Donut.
Just try to say "Slurpee Donut" aloud without shuddering involuntary. Yep, you can't. But that didn't stop the good people at 7-Eleven from dreaming it up and putting it into production. Finally, a product for all the folks out there who ever sucked down a Slurpee and thought "Darn! That just felt too…healthy!" or "Gosh, what that needed was more sugar. A lot more sugar!" As part of a limited-time promotion, 7-Eleven rolled out a product that the world wishes it had never seen–the Wild Cherry Slurpee Donut, a pink cake donut flecked with bits of cherry and topped with wild-cherry icing and pink sugar crystals that are intended to add an "ice-like crunch." One Washington Post review declared that the donut offered the "eau de Robitussin" flavor of a traditional Slurpee, and noted the icing was "particularly antiseptic," but also said, "You kind of have to admire the reckless stoner abandon of the concept." No, no we don't.