Hi at my University I have an option to take evening classes in either Japanese or Chinese. I was wondering in terms of what may be more beneficial to learn which one would you recommend to learn? I have a interest in both of them however I would like to focus on one for now.
嗨,我的大学可以选择日语或中文的晚上课程。 我想知道学习哪一门语言更有益 哪一个你会建议学习? 我对这两个都有兴趣,但是我现在想关注一个。
The main consideration for you I think is which language has greater potential to open up new educational professional or personal opportunities for you as an individual.
Some people might argue that greater economic opportunities lie in learning Chinese because of that society’s much larger domestic and international-diaspora populations. Although I don’t know how the maturing and growth-slowing of the Chinese economy could affect such opportunities it might still offer better prospects than Japan’s.
有些人可能认为更大的经济机会在于学习中文,因为中国国内人口以及海外华人人口更多。 虽然我不知道中国经济如何成熟和增长放缓可能会影响到这样的机会,但它可能比日本还有更好的前景。
As for cultural or educational opportunities you’d have to decide which society might interest you more. I didn’t know much about Japan before I first went there but slowly immersed myself in several different aspects of the country’s traditional culture and ended up learning a great deal as well as having a fantastic time doing it.
至于文化或教育机会,你必须决定:哪个你可能会更感兴趣。 在我第一次去那里之前,我不太了解日本,但我慢慢沉浸在这个国家传统文化的几个不同方面,最终学到了很多东西,并且度过了一个梦幻般的时光。(外国不好中国好(雾))
If learning one language or the other is simply a matter of personal enjoyment and fulfillment I don’t think that there is a “superior” choice although you might find that one has a greater number of similar characteristics to your mother tongue and therefore could be somewhat easier for you to pick up e.g. basic Chinese grammar consists of subject-verb-obxt word order similar to many European languages whereas Japanese word order even for basic statements is essentially reversed.
Other respondents here have mentioned the ideographic writing systems of both languages (kanji in Japanese hanzi in Chinese but both the same in essence … be aware that different styles of the ideographs exist in Japanese usage “mainland” Chinese usage and Chinese usage of Hong Kong or Taiwan). Committing to learning the ideographs for either language is essential for long-term progress towards real mastery. The syllabaries found in Japanese (hiragana and katakana) must be learned as well but they cannot be relied upon solely to communicate at a level beyond beginner-to-intermediate.
Whatever you decide have fun with it! And learning any language helps you prepare your brain to learn others more readily so your time won’t be wasted either way if you put a solid effort into your study.
I’m leaning towards the opinion that Japanese is a lot more approachable than Chinese.
You can learn Hiragana in the space of a day and instantly have stuff to read which is just something that doesn’t exist in Chinese. Japanese has a very minimal and easy to pronounce phonetic repertoire if you can do a Spanish ‘r’. then you already know all you need. You don’t have to worry about mispronouncing tones (people have different opinions on how difficult this is and native Chinese speakers have even told me it’s not that important as long as they can understand you from context but it’s still a thing). The first 1000 or so Kanji represent 90% of everyday newspaper articles written communication etc which still a lot but a heck of a lot more forgiving than Chinese.