We love to get nostalgic about the '90s. It was a decade of simpler times, after all, when we weren't glued to our smartphones and clothes that didn't quite fit were cool.
我们喜欢追忆90年代 。毕竟,那时候的我们不会成天抱着手机,认为宽松肥大的衣服就是时尚潮流,那是简单懵懂的十年 。
We were reminded of just how much things have changed when people took to Reddit to reminisce about what was cool back in the day. On a recent AskReddit thread that posed the question "What was socially acceptable in the '90s but not today?", users shared the things that they miss - and the things they don't really miss at all - about the decade. Read on for some of their most relatable responses, but beware: These comments will cause some serious nostalgia.
当人们在Reddit论坛上追忆当时的潮流时,我们猛然发现这些年发生的变化实在是太多了 。最近有人在AskReddit上问了个问题"90年代可以接受,但当今社会却无法接受的事有哪些呢?",论坛用户们分享了那个年代他们怀念的一些事--以及他们一点都不怀念的事儿 。继续读下去,看看最能引人共鸣的回答是什么吧,但要注意哦:这些评论会让你陷入怀旧中不能自拔 。
1. Not Confirming Plans
1. 不必再三确认计划
Reddit user LetMeStopURightThere remembers the days before those "I'm so sorry, I actually can't make it" texts, when people would make plans and simply show without any day-of confirmation.
一位网名叫做'让我在那停止你'的Reddit用户回忆起在"很抱歉,我去不了了"这种情况发生之前的日子,那时的人们会制定计划,不用提前一天确认就会如期赴约 。
2. Not Letting Someone Know If You're Going to Be Late
2. 如果要迟到了,你不会告诉别人
Similar to not confirming plans, is not letting someone know if you're going to be late. As Reddit user JeffMartinsMandolin writes, there was no way to let a friend know you were running behind once you had both left home in the early '90s.
与不必再三确认计划类似的就是:如果要迟到了,你不会告诉别人 。一位网名叫做'JeffMartinsMandolin'的Reddit用户写道:90年代初,当你和朋友都出了家门时,你无法告诉他/她你要迟到了 。
3. Walking a Loved One to the Airport Gate
3. 陪着心爱的人走到机场登机口
Commenter Reddit_is_my_power is right: Bidding someone farewell at the airport gate - without your own boarding pass - definitely wouldn't fly today.
'Reddit就是我的力量'用户的评论很有道理:在机场登机口和某人告别--自己却没有登机牌--那今天他/她肯定飞不了了 。
4. Memorizing Contact Info
4. 记住联系人电话
In the '90s, you had to write down or memorize important phone numbers. Today? It's just kind of weird. "Now if you tell someone you memorized their number, it makes you look like you're obsessed with them," Reddit user esoteric_enigma writes.
90年代,你必须写下或记住重要的电话号码 。但现在呢?事情变得有点奇怪 。"如果你告诉别人你记住了她/他的电话号码,那看上去就像是你被他们迷住了," 一位网名叫做'esoteric_enigma'的Reddit用户写道 。
5. Refusing to Keep Up With Technology
5. 拒绝与科技接轨
Commenter RealJacktheJack remembers when it was acceptable to say, "I don't do computers." Can you imagine if someone completely denounced technology today?!
'RealJacktheJack'用户还记得在那个年代说"我不用电脑"是完全可以接受的 。但现在如果有人彻底地谴责科技,你能想象吗?
6. Showing Up at Friends' Homes
6. 不提前通知就去朋友家
Both papadapalis and bamboozled18 remember showing up at friends' homes unannounced to see if they wanted to hang out in the '90s. Today, most of us generally require setting up plans in advance.
'papadapalis'和'bamboozled18'这两位用户都还记得90年代的时候,他们会不声不响的去朋友家,约他们出去玩 。现而今,我们大多数人通常都要提前预约 。