The collapse of a floor piled high with material in a Cambodia sneaker factory killed three people and drew fresh attention to safety problems in low-cost countries serving the world's apparel retailers.
Three people died early Thursday and at least six others were injured in a new industry accident, which occurred when a ceiling collapsed in a factory outside the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh. An official at Asics Corp., a Japanese sneaker company whose brand is popular among athletes in the U.S. and elsewhere, confirmed that the factory is one of its suppliers. The company said it was investigating and trying to determine what, if any, safety precautions had been taken.
周四清早,柬埔寨首都金边城外一座工厂的天花板坍塌。这起最新工业事故造成三人死亡,至少六人受伤。日本运动鞋生产商亚瑟士(Asics Corp.)的一位管理人员证实说,这家工厂是其供应商之一。亚瑟士品牌很受美国等国运动员的欢迎。该公司表示,正在调查事故原因,并试图确定该工厂是否采取了任何安全防范措施。
'We are deeply shocked and saddened to hear of this terrible accident,' Asics spokeswoman Masayo Hasegawa said. 'Safety is of paramount importance for Asics.'
亚瑟士发言人长谷川雅代(Masayo Hasegawa)说,听到发生了这样一起可怕事故,我们都深感震惊和悲痛,安全生产对亚瑟士来说是最重要的。
The collapse came on the heels of other, more-deadly garment disasters in recent months, including the collapse of a building housing factories in Bangladesh this month that killed more than 1,000 people. It also shone a light on the role of Asian retailers' attempts to compete with Western brands by expanding production in lower-cost countries.
The factory involved in Thursday's deaths, Wing Star Shoes, was built a year and a half ago by a joint venture between Asics subsidiary Asics Trading Co. and a Taiwanese partner. A chronic problem at Asics had been production delays and poor-quality products at Chinese factories where it outsourced production, and the new factory was built with the aim to help tighten quality control.
周四发生事故的鞋厂是Wing Star Shoes,一年半前由亚瑟士的子公司Asics Trading Co.与一家台湾合作伙伴组建的合资企业建造。亚瑟士以前将生产外包给中国工厂时,经常会出现生产延误和产品质量低下的问题,建柬埔寨这座新工厂的目的就是帮助加强质量控制。
Workers at the scene said the deaths occurred when a mezzanine level used for storage collapsed after bearing too much weight. They said the mezzanine floors were added to the site in the past two months to connect buildings at the factory, which employs more than 6,000 people. Workers performed tasks under the mezzanines, including operating machines cleaning the soles of Asics running shoes.
The level that collapsed was stuffed with tons of pallets piled with cardboard boxes, crates of tissue-paper wrappings and other dense, heavy materials.
It wasn't clear whether the addition of the mezzanine met local building codes. Ith Sam Heng, Cambodia's social-affairs minister, told reporters authorities are investigating the addition.
不清楚加盖的阁楼是否符合当地建筑法规。柬埔寨社会事务部长Ith Sam Heng对记者说,当局正在调查加盖阁楼一事。
The recent spate of accidents in the garment trade, especially in Bangladesh, where in addition to the building collapse more than 100 have also died in factory fires over the past year -- has led labor unions and worker-safety groups to press Western retailers to tighten oversight of their supply chains.
The Cambodian accident, while much smaller than other recent disasters, nevertheless fits a pattern of dangerous work conditions in Asian garment factories.
Asics's sales are smaller than a global heavyweights like Nike, and it has become increasingly reliant on low-cost manufacturing partners in other parts of Asia. Since 2008, the company has shifted emphasis toward gaining market share overseas -- especially in the Americas.