1. They have to work harder to make it happen
Coming out of college with a 4.0 definitely will open a door or two for you. Ears prick up when they hear words like “Magna Cum Laude” or “Top of class” much more than when they hear “Passed all of her classes and ended up mid-level in rankings.” Call it biased, but that is just how it is.
So average students have to work a little harder after college to get doors to open for them. They have to knock on more and, in some cases, beat them down just to get an interview. Sometimes it helps to start with an internship or commission job just to get your foot in the door and then work on making a name for yourself by your work ethic and results.
2. They have to be better at networking
When you are top of the class, you do not have to know the right people because you are the “right people.” However, when you are “average,” your resume does not make much of an impression so it helps to know a person on the inside that will vouch for you and prove that you are more than just an 8.5×11 sheet of paper. It pays (literally) to become an expert at networking and building your contact list early on in your career.
3. They give others a chance
Average students are more likely to give the less-likely pick a chance because they remember when it was them. Something about seeing yourself in someone else just wakes up the optimist inside of you. Therefore, average students are more likely to discover hidden talents and the future leaders because they were willing to give them a shot.