Donald Trump paid an effective tax rate of 25 per cent on income of $150m according to a leaked tax return from 2005 that sheds a glint of light on tax affairs that the president has kept shrouded in secrecy.
一份外泄的2005年的报税表显示,唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)为其1.5亿美元收入缴纳税款的有效税率为25%。这份税表让人得以一窥这位美国总统一直以来讳莫如深的纳税情况。
MSNBC reported that two pages of Mr Trump’s return — which revealed nothing about his income sources — showed the president paying $38m in tax and reporting a $105m write down. The top income tax bracket in 2005 was 35 per cent.
In the 2012 campaign Mitt Romney was criticised for paying an effective tax rate of 14.1 per cent in 2011, which reflected earnings from dividends and capital gains that are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.
在2012年的选战中,米特?罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)曾因其2011年纳税的有效税率只有14.1%而受到批评。这一有效税率反映的是来自分红和资本利得的收入,这部分收入适用的税率低于普通收入。
Mr Trump has refused to release his tax returns — failing to follow what has been accepted practice for all US presidential candidates since Richard Nixon.
特朗普一直拒绝公布其税表,未沿袭理查德?尼克松(Richard Nixon)以来所有美国总统候选人的通行做法。
Last October the New York Times revealed that Mr Trump reported a $916m loss on his 1995 return, which tax experts said could have enabled him to avoid paying taxes on $50m of income for 18 years.
去年10月《纽约时报》(New York Times)披露,特朗普在其1995年的税表中申报了9.16亿美元亏损。税务专家表示,这笔亏损可令特朗普能连续18年每年避免为5000万美元收入纳税。
The 2005 return suggested that in at least one year he did not take advantage of that loss.
When Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton asserted during a September debate that Mr Trump paid no taxes in some years, Mr Trump responded: “That makes me smart.”
去年9月一次辩论期间,民主党总统候选人希拉里?克林顿(Hillary Clinton)断言特朗普在某些年份里没纳过一分钱的税,特朗普当时回应道:“那说明我很聪明。”
Below the headline figures, Mr Trump and his wife Melania paid $5.3m in federal income tax as well as $31m in alternative minimum tax in 2005 — a levy on the wealthy that Mr Trump has said he wants to scrap.
具体而言,2005年特朗普及其夫人梅拉尼娅(Melania)缴纳了530万美元联邦所得税,以及3100万美元替代性最低税(Alternative Minimum Tax)。替代性最低税是针对富人征收的税,特朗普已表示他想废除这项税。
Ahead of MSNBC’s scheduled broadcast, the White House on Tuesday evening released a statement revealing the same figures as the cable channel.
The statement also criticised MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, calling it “desperate for ratings when you are willing to push a story about two pages of tax returns from over a decade ago”.
这份声明还批评了MSNBC的《雷切尔?玛多秀》(Rachel Maddow Show),称该节目“居然想拿十多年前的两页税表做文章,真是太想提高收视率了”。
It added: “The dishonest media can continue to make this part of their agenda while the president will focus on his, which includes tax reform that will benefit all Americans.”
The Trump team has repeatedly declared that the US public is not interested in Mr Trump’s tax returns, although opinion polling suggests otherwise.