A merciless father from Meishan in Sichuan province came under attack after a video of him dangling his son over a river went viral.
Many people would assume that the 7-year-old boy was being punished for bad behavior.
However, the father was apparently trying to force the boy to do his math homework.
In the video footage captured by an onlooker, the boy can be seen tied up while his father lowered him in the river using a rope.
The man continued to ask his son math questions while ignoring his son's plea.
"I beg you, father! I beg you!" the boy cried.
According to Shanghaiist, many people stopped by and tried to see what the commotion was about but no one stepped in to stop what was happening. Some can even be heard laughing in the background.
Many netizens expressed their concerns, saying that the boy will most likely suffer from trauma and will never learn math because of his father's harsh treatment.
"One day, this child will grow up and do the same thing to his child," said one user.
Hopefully, this will not be the case when he grows up and become a dad as well.