I see people with ~$1000 phones but no dryers.
Due to the lack of dryers the few hotels that offer laundry service charge rates that approach new clothes prices to wash and dry.
Secondly people believe air-dried laundry is the best way of the practice as it reduces energy consumption. Also UV ray of the sunlight helps to kill the bacteria. The clean clothes collected from the cloth line after whole day of sun-bathing have a natural smell of 'sunshine' which the machine-dried clothes will never have. Machine- dry is not good for certain fabrics such as cotton. That's probably one of the reasons that the clothes consumption of US(per person) is much higher than China.
Thirdly the apartment price in China is skyrocketing in the last decade. People will make full use of every square meter of indoor space. A big ,noisyexpensive machine you seldom use will not be put on the top of the shopping list.
第三, 最近十年中国住房价格暴涨。人们要充分利用屋内每一平米的空间。一台大型,有噪声,昂贵的,还不怎么用得到的机器,不会在购物清单最上面的。
Chinese are known to be thrifty and pragmatic so if you try to persuade them to accept dryer the machine has to be energy- efficient small quiet and multi-functional.