日期:2017-02-28 09:25


An independent shareholder in Yingde Gases is bidding for a board seat as the Chinese group becomes the subject of a rare public battle over power in an Asian boardroom — and one which could produce something almost as unusual: inbound Chinese dealmaking.
盈德气体(Yingde Gases)爆发了一场公开化的董事会斗争,这在亚洲企业中实属罕见,并可能带来一个几乎同样不寻常的结果:外国企业收购中国公司。目前,该公司一个独立股东正谋求得到一个董事会席位。
Oasis, a Hong Kong-based hedge fund, owns 4.5 per cent of the contested company and is asking for a seat at the table even as the existing board has split into two rival factions, each seeking to oust the other. The bitter infighting has stalled deliberations over a $1.3bn offer for Yingde from Air Products of the US.
香港对冲基金Oasis持有这家争议公司4.5%的股份,目前要求获得一个董事会席位,而此时现有董事会已经分裂成两派,各自寻求罢免对方。这场激烈内讧已使得有关美国空气产品公司(Air Products)以13亿美元要约收购盈德事宜的讨论被搁置。


Yingde, one of China’s largest suppliers of industrial gases, does not have a single controlling shareholder — which could leave investors such as Aberdeen Asset Management, BlackRock, Robeco and Oasis as kingmakers in the clash.
作为中国最大的工业气体供应商之一,盈德不存在单一控股股东,因此安本资产管理公司(Aberdeen Asset Management)、贝莱德(BlackRock)、荷宝(Robeco)和Oasis等投资者有可能成为这场冲突中的“造王者”。
Chinese boards usually try to keep disagreements private, but Yingde’s infighting spilled into the open last November when two of the company’s founders, Zhongguo Sun and Trevor Raymond Strutt, were removed as chairman and chief executive, and chief operating officer respectively, by the board. The company is now chaired by
中国企业董事会一般不会将分歧对外声张,但去年11月,盈德董事会罢免了创始人孙忠国董事会主席、首席执行官的职位,罢免了另一名创始人特雷弗?雷蒙德?斯特拉特(Trevor Raymond Strutt)首席运营官之职,这场内斗由此公开化。目前是赵项题担任董事会主席。

  • oasisn. 绿洲,避风港,宜人之地
  • rivaln. 对手,同伴,竞争者 adj. 竞争的 v. 竞争,
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片
  • executiveadj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令 n
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • hedgen. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿 v. 用
  • clashn. 冲突,撞击声,抵触 vt. 冲突,抵触,使 ...
  • rareadj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的 adj. 煎得
  • independentadj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的 n. 独立派人士,无