Too many people have children for the wrong reasons, and I won’t be one of them. A lot of new parents, when asked why they wanted to have children, start their sentences with “I want,” and while there’s nothing wrong with wanting to raise a family, I don’t want my family to be started on the fact that I wanted a child.
If I am to have kids of my own, I’m going to have far more reasons than that. It’s going to be because my husband and I agreed that we were at the opportune time in our life, and had everything we needed to be able to bring a child into the world and give them the life they deserve. If I can’t offer a good life for my future children, then I won’t be making a life at all.
If I can’t make love work with a man, what makes me think that I can raise a child? Raising a child requires a great degree of unconditional love, patience and many other qualities and attributes that, if I can’t make a relationship work, I’m not sure I possess.
This isn’t to say that others who have children and failed relationships are doing a bad job because they aren’t, but I believe that if you can’t make a relationship work then you can successfully raise a child.
There’s so much to it that people can’t comprehend until they’re in that position, so I may not even know what I’m talking about, but the way I see it is that if raising a child is the hardest thing in the world to do properly, everything else has to be easy.