The end of your working day is approaching and you look at all the items still waiting to be struck off your to-do list.
一天的工作快要结束了,你看着自己的计划清单,(却发现)上面的所有事项都等着完成 。
Tiffany Dufu, an expert on women’s leadership and the author of the new book Drop the Ball: Achieving more by Doing Less, might have a solution for you.
蒂芙尼•杜芙,女性领导力方面的专家,同时也是《犯错误:做的更少得到更多》这本新书的作者,她或许能为你提供一些解决方法 。
In her book, to be released on 14 February, Ms Dufu explains how she balances a career with a busy personal life. She urges woman to stop striving for perfection in both their professional and personal lives: do more by expecting less of yourself.
在她2月14日即将发行的书中,杜芙女士详述她如何平衡职场生活与繁忙的个人生活 。她劝告女人们停止同时在职场和个人生活上追求完美:降低一点要求能做的更多 。
Pressure to stay ahead is a common reason many successful professionals are on the verge of burning out and so – according to Quartz – Ms Dufu recommends using the theory of comparative advantage, a principle developed by the classical economist David Ricardo in 1817 to explain the benefits of free trade.
保持领先的压力是许多职场成功人士处于累垮边缘的普遍原因,因此——根据Quartz(某资讯类网站)——杜芙女士建议使用比较优势的理论,一种1817年由古典经济学家大卫•李嘉图创建并用于解释自由贸易优势的经济学原理 。
The economic principle stipulates that countries should specialise in a certain class of products for export and that they should import the rest, even if the country can make all of the products better and faster.
这项经济学原理要求某一国家应当专门从事某一类产品的出口而进口其他产品,即使这个国家能将所有的产品生产得又快又好 。
Applied at home this means more will get done when we focus on what we do best and most efficiently, and delegate the rest.
适用于个人就意味着,我们应该集中于完成更多我们能做的又好又快的事情,并把剩下的事情交给其他人做 。
“We live our lives by default, kind of like the ringtone on your iPhone that never changes because it’s working fine,” Ms Dufu told Quartz. She says, however, that if we start to be more selective – choose to intentionally drop some balls if you will—then we can achieve more.
“我们过着自己的人生,这有点像你的苹果手机铃声从不更换,因为它工作得很好”杜芙夫人这样告诉Quartz 。她说,然而,如果我们开始做选择——如果你愿意的话选择有意犯一些错误——这样的话我们能收获更多 。
Speaking to Forbes for an article last year, Ms Dufu summed her theory up by saying that “more will get done at home when we focus on our highest and best use and delegate the rest”.
去年接受《福布斯》杂志采访时,杜芙夫人把她的理论概括为“集中完成更多做的又好又快的事情,撒手其他事” 。
On her website, Ms Dufu writes that her aim in life is to “advance women and girls” and says that she strives towards seeing “a world in which women’s gifts and voices are fully harnessed for the benefit of all of us”.
在她的网站上,杜芙夫人写到,她人生的目标是“提升妇女和女孩的地位”,并且她还说,她正为能够看到“在这个世界上女性的天赋和声音能为了人类的进步而被充分利用”而努力 。
“I’ve experienced firsthand that power comes from having a clear purpose and the passion to pursue it,”she writes.“Brave authenticity, uncompromising integrity, and graceful resilience along the way don’t hurt either.”
“我亲身体会到力量来源于有一个清晰的目标以及实现目标的决心,”她写到,“如果拥有真正的勇敢、不屈的正义或者良好的应变能力会更好 。”