Before you can move in, you have to find an apartment. This process unto itself can be difficult. Not only because you will likely have to wade through dozens of different options, but also because there is some amount of pressure involved.
After all, at a bare minimum, you will likely be living in this place for six months to a year. Can you afford it? Is it in the right neighborhood? Using a tool such as NextDoor helps you stay in the know with what’s going on in your neighborhood.
Does it offer the conveniences that you are expecting? And perhaps most simply, do you like it? Finding the right place is crucial, and should be considered a top priority.
To find a place that meets your needs, online tools offer obvious benefits. Of course, if you are looking for your first apartment, you already know this, as you grew up with a smartphone in your hand.
That being said, you may not know where to look or how to get started. Sites like ForRent are a good place to start, as they can help you search apartments for rent in NYC or Los Angeles – if there are apartments to be found, ForRent has them.
Better yet, you can filter by price, number of bedrooms, pet availability, and several other pre-requisites that may be important to you.
It’s worth noting that there are other means of finding apartments as well. You may also consider using sites like Craigslist or even the classifieds, but you will likely find the experience a bit hit and miss. One option offers a scavenger hunt, while the other delivers exactly what you’re looking for.