It was something more abstract.
And the operations were to be operations on symbols, rather than on things of any particular mass or chemical composition.
Alan had to abstract this quality of being determined, and apply it to the manipulation of symbols.
People had spoken, as Hardy did, of 'mechanical rules' for mathematics, of 'turning the handle' of a miraculous machine, but no one had actually sat down to design one. This was what he set out to do.
For although he was not really 'the very unsophisticated outsider' of whom Hardy spoke, he attacked the problem in a peculiarly naive way, undaunted by the immensity and complexity of mathematics.
He started from nothing, and tried to envisage a machine that could tackle Hilbert's problem, that of deciding the provability of any mathematical assertion presented to it.
There were, of coure, machines in existence which manipulated symbols. The typewriter was one such.
Alan had dreamt of inventing typewriters as a boy; Mrs Turing had a typewriter; and he could well have begun by asking himself what was meant by calling a typewriter 'mechanical'.
It would mean that its response, to any particular action of the operator, was perfectly certain.
One could describe in advance exactly how the machine would behave in any contingency.
But there was more to be said even about a humble typewriter than that.
The response would depend upon the current condition, or what Alan called the current configuration, of the machine.
In particular, a typewriter would have an 'upper case' configuration and a 'lower case' configuration.
This was an idea which Alan put in a more general and abstract form.
He would consider machines which at any time would be in one of a finite number of possible 'configurations'.
Then if, as with the typewriter keyboard, there were only a finite number of things that could be done to the machine, a complete account of the behaviour of the machine could be given, once for all, in finite form.