Study links antacids in pregnancy to asthma in kids
Children of women who take heartburn medicine during pregnancy are a third more likely to develop asthma, according to a study published Monday. However, it remains unclear whether the medication itself, or some other factor, is responsible for that increased risk, researchers reported in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
周一发表的一项研究表明:如果孕妇在孕期服用胃灼热药物,那么她生下的小孩患哮喘的可能性会提高1/3 。然而,研究员们在《过敏和临床免疫学杂志》发表的文章上写道:是药物本身还是其它因素导致了风险的增加尚未可知 。
"This association does not prove that the medicines caused asthma in these children," said Aziz Sheikh, co-director of the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research at the University of Edinburgh and co-author of the study.
“这一关联并不表明胃灼热药会导致这些儿童患哮喘,”爱丁堡大学哮喘应用研究英国中心的副主任兼本研究的合著作者阿奇兹•谢赫说道 。
"Further research is needed to better understand this link." Heartburn -- discomfort caused by acid passing from the stomach up into the oesophagus -- occurs frequently during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and pressure on the stomach from the expanding womb.
“需要进行进一步的研究以更好的理解这一关联 。”胃灼热——酸从胃部进入食道所引起的不适——孕期常有发生,因为孕期荷尔蒙会发生变化,子宫扩张会增加胃部压力 。
Certain drugs can block this acid reflux, and have long been thought not to affect the development of the baby. Previous research had inconclusively pointed to an increased risk of allergies in offspring due to an impact on the immune system.
这类药物能阻止胃酸回流,很早以前,人们就认为这不会影响婴儿的发育 。由于对免疫系统的影响,先前的研究并没有明确指出会增加后代患过敏疾病的风险 。
To dig deeper, scientists from Edinburgh and Finland reviewed eight previous studies involving more than 1.3 million children, drawing on healthcare registries and prescription databases. They found that children born of mothers taking antacids were at least a third more likely to have visited a doctor for asthma symptoms.
为了更深入的研究,爱丁堡和芬兰的科学家们从医疗注册和处方数据库着手,审查了先前涉及130多万儿童的8项研究 。他们发现,服用抗酸剂母亲生下的孩子因出现哮喘症状而看医生的可能性至少要高1/3 。
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. It frequently starts in childhood. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing. More that 330 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, with an especially high incidence in low- and middle-income countries, according to The Global Asthma Report 2014.
哮喘是一种慢性肺部疾病,会使气道发炎、变窄 。通常从儿童时期出现症状 。喘息、呼吸短促和咳嗽都是哮喘的症状 。“2014年全球哮喘报告”表明:全球有3.3亿多人患有哮喘,而低收入和中等收入国家的发病率特别高 。
Experts commenting on the study did not challenge the link between the heartburn drugs and asthma in kids, but cautioned against jumping to conclusions. "It may be that the heartburn in itself may be the most important association rather than the drugs used to treat it," said Jean Golding, an emeritus professor of paediatric epidemiology at the University of Bristol.
专家们评论:这项研究并没有挑战胃灼热药物和儿童哮喘的关联,但却警告不要过早下结论 。“有可能,导致儿童哮喘的最可能原因就是胃灼热本身,而不是治疗胃灼热的药,”布里斯托大学儿科流行病学荣誉教授琼•戈尔丁说道 。
Obesity in the expecting mother could also play a key role, said Seif Shaheen, a respiratory epidemiologist at Queen Mary University of London, noting that few of the studies took this factor into account.
孕妇肥胖也有重要影响,伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的呼吸流行病学家赛夫•沙欣说道,她说有些研究认为肥胖也是儿童哮喘的一个因素 。