Hi, I'm Charlotte Lawson, a registered, licensed dietitian here in Tampa Bay, Florida.
In these days, everybody is trying to save a little money. And when we are on a budget, how do we continue to eat healthy? Well, it can be as simple as just planning a list ahead of time and checking out your grocery ads. Know what you are going into, into the store, is an excellent way to avoid excess purchases.
So, when you have that plan, try to stick to it. And don't be afraid to purchase frozen or canned fruits and vegetables. As long as there isn't any additives, such as salts or sugar, these are very excellent ways to have these nutritious foods on hand, that won't spoil often. Sometimes, when we buy fresh produce, we'll let it sit on our counter, and actually the nutrition value starts to diminish. So, these frozen and canned products that are often, sometimes, be cheaper, are still an excellent way to have a nutritious part of a meal.
Also, don't be afraid to buy meat alternatives. Meat can be a very expensive part of our meal, but looking at low-fat dairy or beans, or other legumes that have excellent sources of protein, may be a cheaper option for your meal. So plan, look for alternatives, and don't be afraid to go outside the box when buying fresh or frozen. So, just make sure you are checking your nutrition labels to help guide you in those healthy choices.
I'm Charlotte, and happy eating.