Exercising But Not Seeing Results? You May Be Doing the Wrong Workout for Your Body
Resolved to rev up your fitness routine in 2017? The secret to producing real results may be ditching your old workout and trying something entirely new. Experts who study the science of human movement have known for years that not everyone responds to exercise in the same way.
想在2017年加快健身大计?不如试着抛弃原有健身计划,尝试点新鲜玩意儿吧!研究人体运动科学的专家早就发现,同样的锻炼方法下并不是所有人都能取得成效 。
Now there's new evidence suggesting that a person's individual response to exercise may depend on the type of workout—and that switching from one routine to another could make all the difference.
现在,科学家对“锻炼效果取决于锻炼方式”的问题,又有了新证据 。他们发现,适时更换训练计划能让锻炼效果有巨大改善 。
"What our study shows is that if you're doing one type of exercise and you're not getting the optimal result, you can switch to a different stimulus and that may help you," says Brendon Gurd, PhD, associate professor of muscle physiology at Queens University School of Kinesiology and Health Studies.
“我们的研究表明,总做同一种运动,效果并不一定理想 。换种运动方式来刺激身体,才会事半功倍,”皇后大学运动与健康学院肌肉生理学副教授Brendon Gurd表示 。
This is hopeful news for anyone feeling frustrated at the gym. You may simply be a non-responder to your current workout. But how can you find an ideal routine for your body?
这让在健身房每天累成狗,却毫无成效的朋友看到了希望 。因为,并不是你锻炼不够认真,可能只是身体已经适应了目前的训练计划 。那么,如何找到适合自己的训练计划呢?
Gurd suggests using two tests to gauge your present fitness level.
Gurd给大家建议了两项测试来监测目前的身体水平 。
The first involves walking or running on a treadmill at a set pace for a certain amount of time. "So say you pick 3 miles per hour at an incline of 2, and you jog at that for 10 minutes," he says. Then record your pulse.
第一项测试是在跑步机上用固定速度走或跑一段时间 。“比如把坡度定为2,速度定为3英里/小时,慢跑10分钟,”他说,“结束后记录下你的心率” 。
The second test is to measure your speed over a set distance. For example, he says, you could time how long it takes you to run 5 kilometers.
第二项测试是在特定的距离内测试跑速 。比如,测一下跑5公里需要多久 。
Once you have these results, carry on with your workout, whatever it may be. After several weeks, perform the two tests again. "If your heart rate at a set speed isn't getting lower, and you're not able to run faster, then those are two pretty easily measured things in a gym that would indicate that you're not responding," he says. At that point, you know it's time to mix up your routine.
记录下这些后,你就可以开始自己的训练计划了 。锻炼几周后,再次进行这两项测试 。“如果同等跑速下,你的心率没有变低;特定距离内跑速也没有加快,那就证明这个健身计划不适合你,”他说 。这时,就要赶紧改改训练计划了!
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