Raise your hand if you take your bedtime routine seriously. You're the one whose bedside table is covered in night creams, the one who puts on fuzzy socks to ensure those eight hours of shuteye is nothing short of pure bliss.
如果你认真对待作息时间,那就举高双手 。你的床头柜上肯定放了晚霜,你会穿上毛茸茸的袜子以确保8小时的睡眠都是纯粹的幸福 。
Beauty products and eye masks aside, you know what's missing from your routine that can make you sleep even easier? Plants. Seriously! How you decorate your room - and that includes greenery - can have a major effect on how you sleep. Tyler Davis, an expert from Orchard Supply Hardware, has the lowdown on three plants and flowers that will make catching those much-needed Zzz's even easier.
除了美容产品和眼罩能让你睡的踏实外,你知道自己还缺什么吗?花草 。我可没开玩笑!如何装饰房间——当然少不了绿色植物——而且还能促进睡眠 。奥查德五金店(Orchard Supply Hardware)的专家泰勒•戴维斯给我们详细介绍了3种花草,这些花草能让我们更快进入梦乡 。
Snake plant
Humans need oxygen all day every day in order to survive (duh), but higher levels at night lead to better sleep. While most plants release oxygen during the day and rest at night, the snake plant releases oxygen all the time - even when you sleep.
人类每天都需要氧气才能生存,但夜晚呼入更多的氧气则会促进睡眠 。虽然大多数的植物都是在白天释放氧气、夜晚休息,但沙巴蛇草则全天候的释放氧气——即使在你睡觉的时候也是如此 。
How to care for it: This hearty plant can live in just about any type of light. Water once every two weeks.
如何养:这种贴心的植物在任何光照下都能生长 。每两周浇一次水即可 。
There's a reason you'll find lavender in laundry detergents and linen sprays: Studies show that the pretty purple flower helps you to calm down and relax. And a live lavender plant in your bedroom will give off a stronger scent than dried lavender often found in sachets. That fresh, comforting scent wafting throughout your room will see you off into a peaceful night's sleep.
洗衣液和亚麻喷雾中含有薰衣草是有原因的:研究表明这一漂亮的紫花有助于使人平静、放松 。卧室里放一株新鲜的薰衣草会让卧室充盈着芳香的气味,而且这个味道要比薰衣草香囊的味道更香 。这种清新怡人的味道将布满整个房间,让你一夜安眠 。
How to care for it: These guys need to live in bright light, so try placing a pot on a sunny windowsill. In the summer, it could even live outside on a porch, or whatever surface gets full sun.
如何养:需将薰衣草置于亮光之下,所以可将薰衣草放在阳光明媚的窗台下 。夏天的时候,薰衣草在门廊外或任何有阳光照射的地方都养的活 。
Peace lily
This common house plant is a natural air purifier, meaning that it takes harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, airborne mold, and other types of allergens and releases purified oxygen into the air. Keeping your air clean will help keep you healthier, which means a better sleep night after night.
这一常见的家庭植物是天然的空气净化器,这就是说百合花可吸收有害物质,如甲醛、空气中的霉菌和其它类型的过敏原等,而后将净化的氧气释放到空气中 。空气清新能使人健康,也能让你日夜睡得香甜 。
How to care for it: The peace lily can handle low light, perfect for a bedroom without big windows. Water once a week, but if you keep the plant near a window or keep the heat on in the winter, water maybe twice a week.
如何养:百合可在暗光下养活,对于没有大窗户的卧室来说简直完美 。每周浇一次水,但如果你将百合置于窗户旁边或者冬天的时候房内打开了取暖器,则每周浇水两次 。