凯里学院禁止未婚同居 禁的是欲望还是权利?
日期:2017-01-12 18:42


Bans on unwed couples living together and renting off-campus apartments are among new rules at a Southwest China university that have sparked outcry among students and social media users.
The rules, included in the "Ten Bans" at Kaili University in Guizhou Province, threaten expulsion for infractions such as gambling and cheating on exams.
However, there has been backlash among many students against the rules that they say limit their freedom of choice to live wherever and with whomever they want.

凯里学院禁止未婚同居 禁的是欲望还是权利?

"Does that mean even local students who live close by also have to live on campus?" a student at Kaili University said, "the bans only bring us inconvenience."
A minority of students found merit in the rules. "It would be better if we put more time into studying instead of dating," another student said.
School officials originally cited safety reasons for the bans. But now facing protest, officials are now backpedalling.
"Because of the reaction from students, we see that some of the wording of the bans are not very appropriate," said Wang Fangshi, director of Kaili University's publicity department. "We'd like for students to offer their suggestions."
Law experts have criticized the rules. "The bans are unlawful," said Peng Xiaohui, professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. "The college should not interfere much with cohabitation of couples, which is guaranteed by law."
