The US government has put China’s biggest ecommerce platform back on its blacklist of “notorious markets” known for peddling fake goods, a decision Alibaba argues may have been politically motivated.
Taobao, an online marketplace owned by Alibaba, managed to get off the list four years ago after clamping down on counterfeiters, but on Wednesday was put back on this year’s list.
“While recent steps set positive expectations for the future, current levels of reported counterfeiting and piracy are unacceptably high,” said the US Office of the Trade Representative, which compiles the Review of Notorious Markets.
“尽管近来的措施令人对未来产生积极的期待,但目前报告的造假和盗版水平高得难以接受,”美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the US Trade Representative)称。该机构负责编制《恶名市场审查报告》(Review of Notorious Markets)。
Alibaba said it was “very disappointed” by the decision, which it claims may have been politically motivated in an environment of rising tensions between Beijing and the US.
“The fact that the decision ignores the real work Alibaba has done to fight counterfeit makes us question whether the USTR decision was swayed by the current political climate,” said Michael Evans, president of Alibaba Group.
“这一决定无视阿里巴巴为打击造假而开展的实际行动,令我们怀疑美国贸易代表办公室的决定是否受到当前政治气候的影响,”阿里巴巴集团总裁迈克.埃文斯(Mike Evans)说。
Alibaba has been in conflict with international business groups over the long-running problem of counterfeit goods sold by Taobao’s 10m merchants. Last year the American Apparel & Footwear Association said it was “frustrated” by the company’s lack of progress in handling counterfeiters.
由于淘宝1000万商家出售假货的问题长期存在,阿里巴巴与国际商业集团之间一直冲突不断。去年,美国服装和鞋类协会(American Apparel & Footwear Association)表示,它对阿里巴巴在处置造假者方面缺乏进展感到“失望”。
Jack Ma, Alibaba’s founder, boasted earlier this year that fakes were often "better quality and better price than the real names” — drawing criticism from goods makers for seeming complacent about Alibaba’s record on fakes.
今年早些时候,阿里巴巴创始人马云(Jack Ma)夸口称,许多假冒商品“比真品质量更好,价格更优惠”。这一言论遭到产品制造商的批评,称马云似乎对阿里巴巴的售假记录不以为意。
Alibaba, which listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014, claims it is making more progress than ever, saying that in 2016 it has removed more than twice the number of infringing product listings than last year.
“It is therefore unreasonable for the USTR to have concluded that Alibaba is less effective in anti-counterfeiting than when it reviewed our efforts in 2015 and when it removed us from its list four years ago,” said Mr Evans.
Taobao has over 1bn goods available for sale at any given time. As with US-based eBay, it is easy for small merchants and individuals to set up their own sites on the platform.
“It’s not ideal, but I don’t think most Chinese users really care whether the US puts Taobao on its list or not,” said Mark Natkin, managing director of Marbridge Consulting, a tech consultancy in Beijing. “It’s an issue more for investors . . . and whether it leads brand owners to take action.”
“虽然它不完美,但我不认为大多数中国用户真的在乎美国是否把淘宝列入其名单。”北京科技咨询公司迈博瑞咨询(Marbridge Consulting)董事总经理马克.纳特金(Mark Natkin)说,“这更多地是一个投资者要应对的问题……更多地是一个是否会导致品牌所有者采取行动的问题。”
Mr Natkin added: “One of the great appeals for Chinese users [of Taobao.com] is you can get anything on the platform at very low prices. If you were really good at cleaning up all the shoddy goods, it would have a negative impact on the gross transaction volume.”
Alibaba is also grappling with a wave of fake reviews and order-faking scams that merchants use to inflate their sales and ratings — methods collectively known as “brushing”.