These Stylish Shoes Are Crafted Entirely From Chocolate!
With Christmas around the corner, Valentine's Day is probably the last thing on your mind. However, don't tell that to Motohiro Okai. The chocolatier, who works at the Rihga Royal Hotel Chocolate Boutique L'éclat in Osaka, Japan, has been feverishly working to perfect an exclusive line of "shoes" that will delight even the most discerning man.
圣诞到了,情人节还会远吗?不过,别把这告诉在日本大阪丽嘉皇家酒店旗下的L’éclat巧克力店工作的大师冈井元弘 。他最近正在精心打造一款独一无二的巧克力鞋,再挑剔的男士对此也无法抗拒!
Dubbed "Gentleman's Radiance," the meticulously crafted chocolate shoes look like high-end footwear and even include shoe care accessories, like a shiny shoehorn and a tub of "shoe cream" filled with discs of tempered chocolate. Though only available in one size — 10.2 inches, or the equivalent of US shoe size 10 — buyers do have the option of choosing between dark, light, and reddish-brown colors.
这款巧克力皮鞋叫做“绅士光彩”,外观跟寻常高端皮鞋没什么两样,连“鞋拔子”、“鞋油”(盛放巧克力浓浆的圆盘)这样的护理配件都有 。每只皮鞋长26公分(10.2英寸)有浅棕、深棕和红棕三色可选 。
Of course, shoes this exquisite and delicious, do not come cheap. A pair from this exclusive collection which can be pre-ordered starting January 20, will cost 29,160 Japanese Yen (US$ 258.45) each — close to the price of wearable high-end dress shoes. The only consolation is that Okai is planning on crafting just nine pairs!
当然,如此颜值和美味并存的皮鞋,必定不便宜 。这款匠心独运的皮鞋1月20日开始接受预定,每双售价高达29,160日元(258.45美元),跟实体高端皮鞋价格相仿 。全球限量9双 。
While spending so much money on chocolate may appear extravagant, it is fairly common in Japan, where the confection is the favorite gift of choice on Valentine's Day. Hence, every year, chocolate manufacturers go all out to craft unusual pieces of edible artwork. Fortunately, most are more wallet-friendly than Okai's "Gentleman's Radiance!"
花大价钱在巧克力上看似奢侈,但对希望送出独特情人节礼物的岛国人民来说,也不算什么 。因此,每年巧克力生产商都挖空心思做出各种造型的巧克力艺术品,但大多数产品都比“绅士光彩”要便宜很多 。
Wondering why the chocolatier did not create a pair of stylish shoes for women as well? That's because in Japan, it's the women who purchase gifts for men on February 14. But before you cry foul, there is a silver lining. Men do not only reciprocate the favor on "White Day," which is celebrated a month later on March 14, but also buy gifts that are at least three times the value of what they receive on Valentine's Day!
那么问题来了?为什么没巧克力大师打造女士巧克力鞋呢?原来,日本2月14日这天只流行女士送男士礼物 。但在妹子们大哭之前,我们这里还有一丝安慰 。3月14日,白色情人节这天,男士不仅要回赠给妹子礼物,价格还要是情人节他们收到的三倍以上 。
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