Esquire editor Alex Bilmes has admitted that the magazine uses pictures of "ornamental" women for male readers "in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars".
《时尚先生》编辑Alex Bilmes已承认该杂志在为男性读者提供很酷的汽车照片的同时,也使用“养眼”美女的图片 。
Bilmes, who moved from rival men's title GQ to edit Esquire in 2010, said that his magazine's policy was "more honest" than that of the women's magazine industry, which he claimed perpetuate negative images of women.
Bilmes,2010年他从男士杂志竞争对手的《绅士季刊》跳到编辑《时尚先生》,谈到他的杂志策略是比女性杂志业拥有“更多的诚实”,为此他声称延续了女性的负面形象 。
"The women we feature in the magazine are ornamental," he said, speaking on a panel at the Advertising Week Europe conference in London on Tuesday. "I could lie to you if you want and say we are interested in their brains as well. We are not. They are objectified."
“我们在杂志中所涉及的女人是观赏性的,”他周二在伦敦的欧洲广告周会议座谈上说道 。“我可以对你说谎,如果你想,说我们也对她们的思想感兴趣 。我们并不 。她们被客体化了 。”
Bilmes, speaking on a panel hosted by Cosmopolitan editor Louise Court about feminism in the media and advertising, added that men see women in 3D in many different roles in life "but at certain times we like to see them sexy".
Bilmes在由《时尚》编辑Louise Court举办的关于媒体和广告中的女权主义的座谈会上补充说男人在生活的不同角色中“看到3D女性”,“但在某些时刻我们想看她们性感的样子” 。
"[Esquire] provide pictures of girls in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars," he said. "It is ornamental. Women's magazines do the same thing."
“(《时尚先生》)以向我们提供很酷的汽车图片一样的方式提供美女的照片,”他说 。“这是观赏性的 。女性杂志也做同样的事 。”
He said that in his view Esquire was "more honest" than many titles, citing the "anti-feminist" example of a newspaper using a picture of model Naomi Campbell next to a financial story "because she shopped at Marks & Spencer once".
他表示在他看来《时尚先生》比许多杂志更诚实的,援引报纸上用模特娜奥米•坎贝尔“反女权主义”的事例“因为她曾在玛莎百货购物” 。
He argued that Esquire was, in fact, "less rigid" in its portrayal of women than women's magazines.
他认为《时尚先生》事实上在其女性形象上比女性杂志“缺少刚性” 。
"We are more ethnically diverse, more shape diverse," he said. "In fashion magazines women are much thinner. We have older women, not really old, in their 40s."
“我们更加种族多样化,更多体型差异,”他说 。“在时尚杂志中女性要瘦多了 。我们有老女人,不是真的老了,40岁左右 。”
He went on to cite the example of actress Cameron Diaz, who is in her 40s, as an "older" women used on the cover of a recent issue of Esquire. "Most women's magazines don't put them [older women] in their magazines."
他接着举了女星卡梅隆•迪亚兹的例子,她现在40多岁,作为一个“老”女人出现在最近一期的《时尚先生》 封面上 。“大多数女性杂志不会把她们(老女人)放在其杂志上 。”
He said the women's magazine industry and advertising targeting women were primarily responsible for perpetuating stereotyped and negative images of women.
他说女性杂志行业以及广告瞄准女性主要是负责维持女性刻板消极的形象 。