In the late 1960s and early 1970s, when his fellow teenagers were going to rock festivals and protesting against the war in Vietnam, Rex Tillerson spent his summers with the Boy Scouts of America as aquatics director at Camp Strake, about 35 miles north of Houston.
上世纪60年代末和70年代初,当同龄人都去参加摇滚音乐节并反对越南战争时,十几岁的雷克斯.蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)却利用暑期,在休斯顿以北约35英里的Strake营地担任美国童子军(Boy Scouts of America)的游泳指导。
Today he is one of America’s most powerful business leaders as chief executive of ExxonMobil,
and says he owes it all to scouting.
All of the leadership training I got, I got in the Boy Scouts of America, he told a meeting of the organisation in October.
Now he is about to find out whether the lessons he learnt splashing around five decades ago will hold good in the swamps of Washington.
Until he was chosen this week by Donald Trump to be his nominee for secretary of state, Mr Tillerson had been heading for a comfortable retirement next year.
在最近被唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)提名为美国国务卿之前,蒂勒森已准备明年退休安度晚年了。
He could have been spending more time with his second wife Renda and his four children, and on his interests including scouting, the church and golf.
Instead, he has walked into a firestorm.
His selection to be the top US diplomat has been denounced across the political spectrum.
Environmentalists have been furious that the oil industry is apparently taking the reins in Washington, while hawkish Republicans such as Marco Rubio, the senator for Florida, have raised concerns about Mr Tillerson’s ties to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.
环境保护主义者对于石油行业显然将要在华盛顿当家作主感到愤怒,而共和党鹰派人士,如佛罗里达州参议员马可.鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)对于蒂勒森与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔.普京(Vladimir Putin)的关系提出担忧。
Meanwhile his strengths, including the experience that comes from leading a $380bn global company, are largely being ignored.
His path to confirmation is looking rocky.
Solidly built, with a slow Texan drawl and a mane of silver hair, Mr Tillerson certainly looks the part for Mr Trump’s testosterone-heavy top team.
He knows something about projecting an image in the world of American strength and competence,
布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的苏珊妮.马洛尼(Suzanne Maloney)表示:他懂得如何将美国实力和竞争力的形象投射到全球。
says Suzanne Maloney of the Brookings Institution, who worked as an adviser to Exxon in the early 2000s.
There was not much in his childhood to suggest he was destined for high office.
Born in Wichita Falls in north Texas, he was the son of a mobile baker who took a pay cut to become a professional scout leader.
他生在德克萨斯州北部的威奇托福尔斯(Wichita Falls),他的父亲是一位流动面包师,后来接受减薪成为一名职业童子军领导人。
He had his first job at eight, helping his mother mow lawns, and at 16 worked as a janitor at Oklahoma State University, while at the weekends picking cotton and beans.
蒂勒森在8岁时得到了第一份工作,帮助他妈妈修剪草坪,16岁时,他在俄克拉荷马州立大学(Oklahoma State University)当清洁工,周末则摘棉花和豆子。
The scouts were responsible for enthusing him about engineering, putting up televisions at a jamboree so the boys could watch the moon landing in 1969.
The other institution that has moulded him is Exxon, where he has worked for 41 years since joining in 1975 immediately after graduating from the University of Texas.
另一个塑造蒂勒森性格的组织是埃克森美孚,1975年从德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)毕业后,他立刻加入埃克森美孚,在那里工作了41年。
In the oil industry Exxon is universally admired for its engineering excellence, but sometimes resented for the arrogance and inflexibility of its managers.
As one observer puts it, it is high IQ but low EQ.
Mr Tillerson fitted in well.
He is a product of the Exxon culture, which is extremely process-driven, says the former chief executive of another large oil company.
He has been a solid leader at Exxon, not quite matching the impact of his acclaimed predecessor Lee Raymond.
蒂勒森在埃克森美孚是一位稳健型领导者,在产生的影响上与受人尊敬的前任李.雷蒙德(Lee Raymond)不在一个水平上。
He was slow to grasp the potential of the shale revolution that transformed the US oil and gas industry in the 2000s.
One former rival at a large oil company praises him as very careful, and very thorough, and very conservative.
He is also a tough negotiator.
That quality was vital in Russia, after he took responsibility for Exxon’s operations there in 1998.
He played a key role in driving forward the big Sakhalin 1 oil development off the country’s far eastern coast, while the government dragged its feet and tried to apply pressure to secure a better deal.
他在推动俄罗斯远东海岸的萨哈林一号(Sakhalin 1)大型石油开发项目上发挥了重要作用,与此同时俄罗斯政府故意拖延,试图施压以寻求更有利的交易。
Then, after he had taken over as chief executive in 2006, Exxon was able to fight off competition from US and European rivals to sign a series of potentially lucrative deals in 2011-13 with the state-controlled oil company Rosneft.
Those relationships worry many US politicians.
Mr Tillerson was awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship in 2013.
2013年,蒂勒森被俄罗斯授予友谊勋章(Order of Friendship)。
John McCain, the Republican senator, observed this week that he would never accept an award from Mr Putin.
共和党参议员约翰.麦凯恩(John McCain)最近表示,他永远不会接受普京颁发的任何奖励。
But some say the concerns are misplaced.
I don’t think the ‘friendship’ with Putin is anything more than a working relationship, says one former chief executive You have to go where the oil is, even if you don’t like it.
On climate change, Mr Tillerson’s critics have more of a case.
At a conference in London in October, he said: We share the view that the risks of climate change are real and require serious action.
But when he discusses the issue, he does not sound like an enthusiast for action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and rejects the idea that oil companies must go beyond fossil fuels.
While Russia and climate change seem likely to be the key issues for his confirmation, other questions may turn out to be more contentious if Mr Tillerson makes it to the state department.
He is a pragmatist, and has not expressed many strong opinions about the world, but unlike Mr Trump he has been a public supporter of free trade.
On that issue he may have to fight in the cabinet, or else set his principles aside.
Speaking about the scouts’ duties, Mr Tillerson said: Whatever direction we take, whether we like it [and] agree with it or not, we have a duty to this country as citizens, to participate in this government.
It is a fine ideal, and now he is trying to live by it.
But the reality of government may turn out to be rather more messy.