With countless pregnancy apps, online community forums, and unsolicited opinions from your friends, figuring out the best diet to adhere to before, during, and after your pregnancy can be a bit overwhelming. While everyone's individual dietary requirements and bodily needs varies — it's always best to consult with your doctor — this is the best advice nutritionists have to offer.
现在有太多的怀孕软件和在线社区论坛,朋友们又会主动给出建议,因此在找出怀孕前、怀孕中和怀孕后的最佳饮食方面,人们总会不知所措 。虽然每个人的饮食和身体需求不尽相同——但最好的做法就是咨询医生——这也是营养学家给出的最佳建议 。
Take a Prenatal Vitamin Before You Even Start Trying to Become Pregnant
"It's important for women to start taking a prenatal vitamin before they even start trying to become pregnant," says Sarah-Jane Bedwell, host of Cooking With Sarah-Jane. "You'll want to have plenty of the key nutrients, such as folic acid, iron, and calcium that the baby will need for healthy development — starting at conception."
“对于女性来说,在还未尝试怀孕前就服用孕前维他命是十分重要的,”《与萨拉•简一起烹饪》的节目主持人萨拉•简•贝德维尔说道 。“从受孕开始,你就会需要很多的关键营养素,比如叶酸、铁元素和身体健康必需的钙元素 。”
Don't Make Any Massive Changes to Your Regular Diet
"Now is not the time to try a drastic diet change and become a vegan," warns Lisa DeFazio, author of The Women's Health Big Book of Smoothies and Soups. "Yes, a vegan diet can be healthy, but it takes knowledge and discipline to do it right. Don't start experimenting now; your growing baby needs all the nutrition it can get right now." It's also normal to crave more meat when you're pregnant (pregnant women require more iron and protein), so you may find it particularly hard to subdue such impulses for steak, chicken, and other meat.
“现在并不是尝试大幅度饮食变化、成为素食主义者的时刻,”《奶昔和汤女性健康之书》的作者丽莎•德法西奥警告道 。“是的,纯素饮食十分健康,但是有了了解和自觉才能确保你做的正确 。可千万别现在试验,现在你肚子里的宝宝可是需要营养才能长大的 。”怀孕时更想吃肉也是正常的(孕妇需要更多的铁和蛋白质),所以你会发现自己很难抑制对牛排、鸡肉和其它肉类的渴望 。
Load Up On Foods Rich In Folic Acid
"[This nutrient is] critical to the development of the baby's brain and spinal cord. Intake of folicacid prevents Neural Tube Defects (NTD) like spinal bifida," says Rebecca Lewis, nutritionist for Hello Fresh. Seek out foods like dark leafy greens (like spinach, kale, and swiss chard), citrus fruits, beets, and avocados, and shoot to get 400 micrograms daily.
“(这一营养素)对婴儿的大脑和脊髓发育至关重要 。摄入叶酸会预防脊柱裂等神经管缺陷,” Hello Fresh的营养学家丽贝卡•路易斯说道 。可以多吃深色绿叶食物(比如菠菜、羽衣甘蓝和瑞士甜菜)、柑橘类水果、甜菜、牛油果和幼芽,确保每天要摄入400微克 。
You Probably Don't Need As Many Calories As You Think
"In fact, no extra calories are required during the first trimester. Only 340 extra calories are needed in the second trimester and 450 during the third trimester, as compared to normal intake," says Julieanna Hever, author of The Vegiterranean Diet. What's more? "Excessive weight gain during pregnancy leads to gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and delivery complications," says DeFazio. If you're constantly feeling hungry, talk to your doctor or nutritionist about the best strategies to alter your diet during pregnancy.
“事实上,怀孕头三个月根本就不需要额外增加卡路里 。与正常摄入量相比,妊娠中期只需要增加340卡,最后三个月只需要增加450卡,”《素食者的饮食》作者朱莉安娜•希弗(Julieanna Hever)说道 。还有什么呢?“孕期增重过多会导致妊娠糖尿病、高血压和分娩并发症,”德法西奥说道 。如果你总是很饿,那就找自己的医生或营养师谈谈吧,共拟出最好的方案来改变孕期饮食 。