As children, many of us are fed fantastical tales of gigantic birds airlifting human infants to mask the icky, sex-induced reality of childbirth.
But truth is stranger than fiction. And sometimes, babies are brought into the world under circumstances that would make delivery by stork sound believable by comparison.
10.'Flash' Gordon
In the United States, the Fourth of July holiday is usually capped off by a fireworks display that rivals the splendor of stars in the night sky.
But in 2013, Mother Nature decided to inject her own brand of pizazz to Independence Day festivities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with the aid of her favorite sparkler: lightning.
That night, expectant mother Kendra Villanueva and her boyfriend, Ian Gordon, were outside when the weather turned an ominous shade of thunderous.
Before the couple had a chance to make their way to safety, a tendril of lighting leaped out from the sky and struck them as they passed under a tree.
A violent jolt of electricity ran a circuitous route through from Gordon's ear and Villanueva's body before exiting through her thumb. Both were zapped unconscious.
Although Villanueva had weeks to go before her oven bun was due, doctors were forced to perform an emergency Cesarean in hopes of saving her lightning-kissed baby. Amazingly, the child survived.
Adorably nicknamed "Flash Gordon," young Kimberly Gordon has been heralded as a "medical marvel" by specialists. But her high-voltage ordeal didn't leave her unscathed.
A one-year-old Kimberly struggled to digest food and was incapable of crawling or sitting up. And given the rarity of her circumstances, it's impossible to map an expected developmental trajectory.
On a much lighter note, Baby Flash's hair purportedly has a bizarre propensity to stand up straight as if in a perpetual state of static cling.
9.Against The Wind
There's never really an opportune moment for a tornado to touch down in your neck of the woods.
But having one assail your hospital during the birth of a child seems particularly untimely.
Oklahoman Shayla Taylor found herself in that precise predicament when a twister bore down on her hospital as she tried to pass a bundle of joy through her birth canal.
Unfortunately for Taylor, the arrival of her family's latest addition, much like that of natural disaster outside, couldn't wait.
While her husband and four-year-old son took cover on a lower floor of the hospital, she was carted to a windowless room where the delivery could be completed.
Relocating failed to halt the twister's furious onslaught. The tornado buffeted the building with winds blowing at 300 kilometers (200 mi) per hour, tearing the outside wall right off of Taylor's operating room.
Hospital staff shielded her with blankets and a human cocoon of their own bodies as tiles and lighting fixtures collapsed overhead. The room was reduced to a sloppy medley of debris and heavy machinery.
Taylor, still not yet done birthing her baby, had to be relocated to a nearby hospital after being lugged downstairs on a flat board.
Even with a meteorological nightmare threatening to upend her delivery, Shayla gave birth to a bouncing baby boy via C-section.
The parents named him Braeden. After seeing the way nurses defied death to protect her and her child, Taylor, herself an aspiring nurse, expressed a deepened commitment to helping others.
However, that selfless service might have to take place elsewhere, as her brush with nature's fury has since made Taylor rethink living in Tornado Alley.
8.Trial By Forest Fire
In June 2015, Amber Pangborn reportedly left her Orville, California, home to visit a friend at a casino.
But it was after leaving the betting house that the 35-year-old was forced to make a major gamble.
While trying to drive to her parents' house, the nine months of baby inside her decided to pay the world a visit.
Trying to avoid a roadside delivery, she cut through a forest to save time. Instead Pangborn got lost and ran out of gas.
Stranded, she was forced to give birth in the backseat of a car (where babies are typically made, not delivered), at which point things purportedly got wild.
According to Pangborn, to stave off the exhaustion, she dosed herself with meth.
That narcotic pick-me-up—along with three apples, a can of soda, and a bit of water—would be all that she had to tough it out in the wilderness with her newborn daughter for three days.
During that interval, she claims to have fended off placenta-hungry mosquitoes and bees, getting stung repeatedly in the process.
Desperation eventually took over, and Pangborn tried to start a signal fire in hopes of flagging attention.
That signal quickly ballooned into a quarter-acre blaze, which—while unintended—did the job.
The US Forest Service sprang into action and stumbled upon the marooned mother-daughter pair. A helicopter was sent in to rescue them.
Pangborn's bid to brave the wilderness with her daughter Marissa in tow made for compelling news, but Child Protective Services officials weren't exactly thrilled to hear her tale of post-childbirth drug use and accidental forest destruction.
Concerned about the circumstances of her delivery, CPS took Marissa into protective custody. Pangborn has since sought to get her back.