Photo caption: Like dolphins diving athletes.
Photo caption: After leaping dolphins spray scattered.
据英国媒体报道,英国野生动物摄影家查里-菲利普斯拍下了瓶鼻海豚在苏格兰海域跳水嬉戏的精彩图片。 According to British media reports, British wildlife photographer Charlie - Phillips took a bottle nose dolphins in the waters of Scotland's best picture diving play.
这些精彩照片是菲利普斯2007年4月至2008年5月间在马里海湾拍摄的,他花了无数小时的时间来观察瓶鼻海豚。他说:“我会在落潮至涨潮的六个小时内为瓶鼻海豚拍照。它们经常会在落潮后不久出现,一直到涨潮时离去,你可以整天观察它们。”The best of these photos is Phillips from April 2007 to May 2008 shooting in the Gulf of Mali, he spent countless hours of time to observe the bottlenose dolphins. He said: "I will Lachao to six hours of high tide for the bottlenose dolphins camera. They often appear soon after the Luo Chao, has to leave at high tide, you can observe them all day long."
马里海湾是位于苏格兰东北部的一个三角形海湾,它是英国海岸观察海豚和鲸鱼的最重要地点之一,那里最常见的是瓶鼻海豚和海港鼠海豚,海豚在那里捕食海鳟鱼和鲑鱼。瓶鼻海豚是一种群居动物,沿岸地区的海豚群有10头组成,外海地区活动的海豚群则有25头组成。 Mali is located in the Gulf of Scotland northeast of the Gulf of a triangle, it is the British coast observed dolphins and whales in one of the most important, where the most common is the bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises, dolphins, where the predator fish and sea trout Salmon. Bottlenose dolphins is a Qunju animals, the coastal areas of the dolphins has 10 components, in the sea off the dolphins are composed of 25.
Photo caption: dolphins leaped sky.
Photo caption: three dolphins in the play.
旁观者在看到瓶鼻海豚跳水嬉游的景象时经常会误认为他们在观看一场精心设计的演出,但对于那些在船上近距离观看海豚的人们来说,海豚跳水嬉游的景象很自然,它们完全是率性而为。那些幸运的游客可以看到三头海豚在蓝色的天空下跳水、海豚捕食鲑鱼的迹象。一位乘船观看海豚的游客称:“这真是难以置信,我们与它们那么接近,这看起来好像是它们试图想向我们展示它们的能力。它们动作的协调性难以置信,你有时会认为它们会撞到一起。观看它们捕食鲑鱼是一件更棒的事情。” Bystander in to see bottlenose dolphins diving play at the scene of the Tour often mistakenly believe that they are watching a well-designed performance, but for those on board the people close watch dolphins, the dolphins diving play the scene naturally Tour , Which is Lvxing the community. Those lucky visitors can see three dolphins in the blue sky under the diving, dolphins feed on salmon in sight. One of the tourists by boat to watch the dolphins said: "This is really incredible, and they are so close to us, it looks like they are trying to show us their capabilities. The coordination of their actions unbelievable, you sometimes think that they Will be hit with. Watch them feed on salmon is an even better thing. "
Photo caption: dolphins feed on the moment.
Photo caption: dolphins feed on the moment.
菲利普斯在过去的18年一直在研究海豚。 48岁的菲利普斯称:“在四月至十月的观察季节里,我几乎每天都出去研究海豚。”菲利普斯利用他的照片来帮助确定海豚的身份。 他说:“海豚是一个很难拍摄的对象,因为它们的运动是随机的,你永远不知道它们会从哪里跃起。你一天之内可以拍下数千张照片,但其中只有一半可以利用,你得在这一半中认真寻找分类,这是一个漫长的工作。” Phillips in the past 18 has been studying dolphins. 48-year-old Phillips said: "In the observation from April to October season, I almost daily go out on the dolphins." Phillips use of his photographs to help determine the identity of the dolphins. He said: "The dolphin is a very difficult target of the shooting, because their movement is random, you never know where they will be leaping. You can take a day of the thousands of photos, but only half can be used, In this you have to find half of the request seriously, this is a long work. "
Photo caption: dolphins jumping air beautiful gesture.
Photo caption: dolphins jumping air beautiful gesture.
Photo caption: dolphins jumping air beautiful gesture.
Photo caption: two dolphins intimate contact.