北大回应学生站着吃饭 将建4万平米大食堂
日期:2016-11-09 17:08


Peking University said it plans to build a nearly 40,000-sq-m hall to improve its dining environment after online pictures showed students standing to finish meals during peak hours.
Weibo users said the Yannan dining hall at the prestigious university is so overcrowded that all seats are taken and many students have to stand or sit in corridors and stairs while eating.
A reporter for Beijing News said foreign students also have to sit on the ground.

北大回应学生站着吃饭 将建4万平米大食堂

One student noted that such scene is common only in this dining hall, as it's close to lecture buildings and a library, where many students congregate.
When all these people swarm into the hall at meal time, it's quite hard to find an empty seat.
Jiang Langlang, an official with the university's Party committee, said the university would build a new dining hall and has finished preparation work for demolishing old buildings to make way for the new site.
