无师无课且免费 法国另类学校落户美国
日期:2016-11-07 22:59


A university without any teachers has opened in California last month.
It's called 42 - the name taken from the answer to the meaning of life, from the science fiction series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
The US college, a branch of an institution in France with the same name, will train about a thousand students a year in coding and software development by getting them to help each other with projects, then mark one another's work.

无师无课且免费 法国另类学校落户美国

This might seem like the blind leading the blind - and it's hard to imagine parents at an open day being impressed by a university offering zero contact hours.
But since 42 started in Paris in 2013, applications have been hugely oversubscribed.
Like in the computer games the students are asked to design, they go up a level by competing a project. They graduate when they reach level 21, which usually takes three to five years.
And at the end there is a certificate but no formal degree.
Recent graduates are now working at companies including IBM, Amazon, and Tesla, as well as starting their own firms.
