A fatal tiger mauling over the summer dealt a blow to the industry of safari-like zoo toursin China, causing a plunge in the number of interested tourists and leading experts to call for a ban on the tours.
In July, a woman was killed by a tiger while on a safari-style tour in Badaling Wildlife World Animal Park near Beijing. Unsurprisingly, the incident has dampened tourists' enthusiasm when it comes to sharing close quarters with wild animals.
According to a report released by YNET.com,the numbers of tourists in several wild animal parks in China have dropped significantly.
"The incident has had a negative impact on zoos, and on Beijing's tourism industry. People are worried about their safety when visiting zoos," said Feng Yingqun, vice manager of the Beijing Wild Animal Park, in an interview with YNET.com.
Currently, there are two types of safari-like tours available in China.
The first form offers tourists the chance to get right up next to wild animals, which is what led to the female tourist's death in July. Only two operations are currently run this way.
The alternative isusing obstacles like waterways and ditches to separate the animals from visitors. This is the most common format for zoos in China.
"Due to the potential safety hazard, 'zero-distance' safari tours should be eliminated in China. Zoos and wildlife parks should weed out such outdated management techniques, and pay more attention to their main responsibilities: protecting wildlife and educating visitors," said Peng Zhenxin, director of the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens.