我国留学生呈低龄化 赴美读中学增长强劲
日期:2016-10-29 11:16


Chinese students studying abroad have become younger in age structure, according to a report released by www.eol.cn last Saturday.
Graduate students plunged to 42 percent of total Chinese students studying in the US last year, compared with about 80 percent 10 years ago, said the report.
Meanwhile, the number of Chinese students studying at US elementary and secondary schools maintained double-digit growth, accounting for 52 percent of international fellow students in the US, the report said.

我国留学生呈低龄化 赴美读中学增长强劲

The report said the number of Chinese students for overseas study has increased steadily.
In 2015, over 520,000 students studied abroad, and the number is expected to keep growing in 2016.
The US is the main destination for Chinese students studying in other countries, hitting 323,000 so far in 2016, according to the report.
