赣州一动物园被曝用冷水滋大熊猫 官方回应将改正
日期:2016-10-22 21:23


China Giant Panda Research Center has demanded that Ganzhou Forest Zoo reform its problematic practice in panda care.
The demand comes after Internet users alleged that the zoo was mistreating its pandas.
According to several Weibo users, the caretakers at Ganzhou Forest Zoo regularly spray the zoo's pandas with cold water.
In a letter to the China Giant Panda Research Center, the zoo denied the allegation.
It also explained that, due to recent high temperatures, they use central air conditioning to create a comfortable environment for the pandas.

赣州一动物园被曝用冷水滋大熊猫 官方回应将改正

According to the statement, the zoo does spray cold water, but not directly on the pandas.
Instead, to ensure that the pandas don't become ill from spending too much time below the air conditioning vent, zoo caretakers spray cold water on the ground, which causes the pandas to move away from the air duct.
The zoo admitted that this practice is not standard and could use improvement.
In the letter, the zoo guaranteed that caretakers would maintain professional integrity and standards, refraining from any behaviors that could be regarded as animal abuse.

  • ventn. 排气口,表达,发泄,火山口 v. 发泄,表达,排放
  • allegationn. 断言,主张,辩解,暗指
  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • integrityn. 诚实,正直,完整,完善
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • reformv. 改革,改造,革新 n. 改革,改良
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • ductn. 管道,导管
  • problematicadj. 问题的,有疑问的
  • environmentn. 环境,外界