A research team in Denmark has finally confirmed a suspicion that many birth control pill users have had for years-there appears to be a significant correlation between hormonal birth control use and depression.
丹麦的一个研究团队终于确认了很多吃避孕药的人多年来都有的猜忌--避孕与抑郁症之间有着很大的关联 。
The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, looked at one million women in Denmark over 14 years and found that women using oral contraception were 23 percent more likely to be prescribed antidepressants. That's no small number.
该研究刊登在美国医学协会杂志上,该项研究进行了14年,观察了100万名丹麦女性,发现服用口服避孕药的女性更有可能被描述为抗抑郁药者,可能性为23%,这可不是小数字 。
This percentage was even higher for women between the ages of 15 and 19. Third generation or progesterone-only pills, such as Yasmin, also had a higher correlation with depression.
对15--19岁的避孕者来说,这一比率更高 。第三代或孕激素避孕药,比如优思明,更有可能让人患有抑郁 。
Before we all panic, Jennifer Conti, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University, warns that a correlation study like this one "raises questions, [but] it doesn't answer them." There would have to be significantly more research before anyone can claim that the birth control pill actually causes depression. She also emphasizes the valuable role birth control plays in many women's lives, and that for most, the benefits far outweigh the risks. It should be noted that those benefits include avoiding pregnancy-related depression.
珍妮弗·康迪是斯坦福大学妇产科学教授,在我们惊慌前,她警告道,这样的一个关联研究"提出了问题,但却没有回答问题 。"在人们声称避孕药真会导致抑郁症之前,还需要大量的研究加以证明 。她还强调避孕对于很多女性来说十分重要,好处是远高于风险的 。还应该注意,这些益处包括避免与怀孕相关的抑郁症 。
While critics have raised valid concerns, many women have been expressing their happiness for these findings on social media.
虽然有些评论家提出了一些担心,但很多女性在社交媒体上都对这些研究结果表示高兴 。
The lead author of the study, ?jvind Lidegaard, tells KQED, "Women should know that if they develop depression after starting hormone contraception use, it could due to that use." He reiterates that women who have had a recent or current bout of depression should perhaps consider alternatives to hormone contraception because it may worsen that depression.
该研究的首席作者?jvind Lidegaard在接受美国KQED广播电台采访时说道:"女性在使用激素避孕后,如果发现自己得了抑郁症应该是会察觉得到的:可能是因为使用了那个 。"他重申近期或刚刚发作抑郁症的女性应该考虑替换激素避孕,因为继续使用会加重病情 。
The upside of this finding is that women who are taking hormonal birth control and dealing with depression may be able to improve their mental state by discontinuing use of said contraception. It also means that women and doctors can make a better informed decision about what type of birth control is right for them.
该研究也有好的一面,那就是使用激素避孕并且与抑郁症抗争的女性可能可以通过不再使用上述避孕方法来改善自己的精神状态 。这也就是说对于哪种避孕方法最适合这个问题,女性和医生可以做出更好的知情决定 。
But for many women there aren't other great alternatives to hormonal birth control and for them, these findings are depressing in and of themselves. It is their hope, and mine, that we can find non-hormonal forms of birth control that work as well.
但对于很多女性来说,没有什么比激素避孕更好的避孕方法了,对于她们来说,这些研究结果十分令人抑郁 。我们都希望能够找到同样有效的非激素避孕法 。