A Total-Body Routine You Can Bang Out in Under 7 Minutes
Just a few years ago, Natalie Jill felt as if she'd hit "rock bottom": As a new mom, she was in the middle of a divorce, struggling financially, and about 60 pounds overweight. But deciding to focus on her health helped her regain control of her life; and her get-fit journey turned her into a social media star. Jill's secret to finding time for exercise? Quick, body-weight workouts she could do anywhere. In her new book, Natalie Jill's 7 Day Jump Start ($28; amazon.com), she features equipment-free routines that take just seven minutes. Below, one such sequence designed to work your entire body.
就在几年前,娜塔莉•吉尔感到自己好像跌入了“谷底”:她刚成为母亲,又在离婚阶段,经济紧张,还超重60英镑左右 。但是她决定专注自己的健康帮助她重获生活的掌控权;并且她的健康之旅使她成为了社交媒体明星 。吉尔的秘密是找时间去锻炼吗?她可以在任何地点进行快速的体重锻炼 。在新书《娜塔莉•吉尔的7天跳开始》(亚马逊网:28美元)中,她重点讲述了只需7分钟且不需要任何设备的锻炼 。下面的顺序就是为锻炼全身而设计的 。
Hand plank with crisscrossed legs
Get into a hand plank position with your core tight and legs wide. Open up your left arm while simultaneously, kicking your right leg through so your legs are crisscrossed. Aim for a 15- to 30-second hold and switch sides.
做好手放在平板上的姿势,中心收紧,双腿张开 。打开左胳膊,同时右腿打开,这样你的双腿就会交错在一起 。坚持15—30秒,然后换边 。
Knee-to-elbow holds
Starting out on your right forearm plank position, bring your left knee to your left elbow, hold for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
首先做好右前手臂放在平板上的姿势,将左膝盖靠近左手肘,坚持30秒,然后休息30秒,之后换边 。
Single leg glute bridge
Sit on the ground with your knees bent, hands on the floor, and your fingers pointing forward. Using your triceps, push your butt off the ground as you draw one knee toward your chest. Drive through the heel of your stationary leg to get there. Then straighten raised leg and lift butt. Hold up to 1 minute on each leg.
双膝弯曲坐在地上,双手放于地板上,手指方向向前 。当你将一个膝盖抬向胸部时,利用自己的三头肌推动屁股,使其脱离地面 。调动自己不动那条腿的后跟到达那个位置 。然后拉伸抬起来的腿并抬升臀部 。每条腿坚持一分钟 。
Reverse bridge holds
Lie on the floor with knees bent and arms alongside body. Lift your butt off the ground, hold for 5 seconds, then take it back down and repeat. Do as many as you can in 1 minute.
双膝弯曲躺在地板上,双手放在身体两侧 。提升臀部离开地面,保持5秒,然后回到最初姿势重复 。一分钟内尽可能多做 。
Side plank reach and touch
From a side plank position, take it elbow to knee, working up to 30 seconds on each side with a 30-second rest between sides.
从侧平板姿势开始,将手肘靠近膝盖,每边运动时间各达30秒,换边时休息30秒 。