7.Tinker's Bubble – England
A 40 acre (16 hectares) community set in the rural Somerset region, England is the oldest low impact eco village on the island.
For more than 21 years, different people and families have called Tinker's Bubble their home. While some are just passing through, others are permanent settlers.
They make a living and some extra cash for the community, mainly through forestry, gardening, growing chickens, honey bees and selling apple products (real apples, not iPhones or iPads).
They manage this without using any fossil fuel whatsoever. They do use wood for warmth and cooking, but other than that they are "zero-emission".
A wind-powered generator and several solar panels provide the community with enough electricity to power some light bulbs, to play music and run some laptop computers.
Every type of material they use, comes from the area, which gives Tinker's Bubble the low-cost eco-housing status. Its name comes from the nearby spring which ends in a small waterfall by the side of the road.
Gypsies used to bring their horses to water them there, and they used to call a waterfall, "a bubble".
6.Lammas Eco Village – Wales
Lammas Eco Village is a small community of people operating on the Pembrokeshire countryside in Wales since 2009.
The members of Lammas all come from different backgrounds with some having extensive knowledge of low-impact living, while others have none.
Water, woodland, and electricity are managed collectively and no building here is connected to any main pipe or line.
There are a total of nine plots, each of about five acres. All of them are powered by a series of micro photovoltaic installations along with a 27kw hydro generator.
Water comes from a local spring and managing a lot of rainwater – they are in the United Kingdom after all.
All the houses, bars and workshops have been built by the people living there together with the help of many volunteers.
Every material is either local or recycled, lowering their carbon footprint to a minimum.
As you can imagine, they follow a subsistence way of living by growing their own food. They even went so far as to raise the levels of the soil's health.
To do this they carefully planned a new infrastructure across the landscape and planted many wild plants and native trees in order to raise the biodiversity in the region.
This way they were able to retain as much water and nutrients in the landscape as possible.
5.Khula Dhamma – South Africa
5.南非的Khula Dhamma村
The name of the community is formed by combining two words from two different languages. "Khula Dhamma", combines the Xhosa word "khula", meaning "to grow" and the Pali word "Dhamma" meaning "the way" or "the path" (to grow on the path of awakening).
村名取自两种不同语言的两个单词,Khula来自科萨人说的班图语,意思是生长, Dhamma来自巴利语,意思是依照此法(连起来意思就是成长道路上的觉醒)。
Back in 2000 five friends bought a 180 hectare (445 acres) piece of land near the small village of Haga Haga, 60km north of East London and on the door step of South Africa's Xhosa heartland.
时间回到2000年,五兄弟买了小村Haga Haga旁边一块180公顷(约445英亩)的土地,此处距东伦敦市北60公里,是南非的门户,也是科萨族的心腹地带。
Just eight kilometers away from the coast –with many pristine beaches by the way- and at an elevation of about 173 meters, the community is blessed with no harsh weather, thus being able to produce crops twice per year.
Besides practicing green-farming and trying to live as close to no impact on the planet as possible, they also offer people a Retreat Center.
Here visitors take part in all sorts of activities, events, workshops and talks; all with the hopes of learning how to live a more holistic life in harmony with nature.
4.Torri Superiore – Italy
4.意大利Torri Superiore
Located at the foothills of the Ligurian Alps, just several miles away from the French border and the Mediterranean, Torri Superiore is a 13th century hamlet, built entirely out of stone.
Torri Superiore位于利古里亚阿尔卑斯山脚下,与法国边境和地中海仅相距几英里。Torri Superiore完全由石头建成,是一座13世纪的小村庄。
It's also built directly on the cliff face, five stories tall and 100 meters long. Inside there are 162 rooms, all connected with each other through an intricate system of narrow corridors, making the whole thing into an amazing labyrinth of rooms, staircases and terraces.
It wasn't always like this though, being built in stages. The last additions were made during Napoleon's time, when the village reached its maximum population of about 200 people.
不过,在建造阶段,其规模并没有这么大。拿破仑时期,该村人口数达到巅峰,约200人,于是人们对Torri Superiore进行了最后一次扩建。
For about 100 years however, Torri Superiore was abandoned, as villagers migrated to urban areas, and the towers went into disrepair.
然而,大约100年后,村民们移居到城区,Torri Superiore由此被遗弃荒废。
That's until 1989 when the Torri Superiore Cultural Association was founded, a permanent community of about 20 individuals was established and reparations began on the monument.
直到1989年,Torri Superiore高级文化协会成立,该协会是由约20人组成的永久协会。就是在那时,开始了对此建筑的修复工作。
The association owns half the building while the other, the residents themselves.
Since 1992 Torri Superiore hosted over 400 children from all over the world. Each year one or two summer camps are held here.
自1992年来,Torri Superiore接待了400多个来自世界各地的孩子。每年有一到两个夏令营在这里举办。
The venue is also host to a multitude of events, workshops and courses aimed towards environmental education and eco-village living.