It was an ambitious choice of study, a book only published in 1932. It was the Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik, the Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, by the young Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann.
On 23 June it was his twentieth birthday, and then on 13 July what would have been Christopher's twenty-first.
Mrs Morcom sent Alan a 'Research' fountain pen, such as Christopher had shown off, as a present.
Alan wrote from Cambridge, where he spent the 'Long Vacation Term':
My dear Mrs Morcom,
I remembered Chris' birthday and would have written to you but for the fact that I found myself quite unable to express what I wanted to say.
Yesterday should I suppose have been one of the happiest days of your life.
How very kind of you it was to think of sending me a 'Research' pen. I don't think anything else (of that kind) could remind me better of Chris; his scientific appreciation and dexterous manipulation of it.