Deutsche Bank sought to convince investors that it did not need a government bailout and had no plans for a capital increase on Monday morning, even as its shares fell to their lowest level in more than 20 years.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)周一上午寻求让投资者相信,它不需要政府纾困,也没有增资计划,即便其股价跌至20多年来的最低水平。
Shares in Germany’s biggest bank sank by as much as 6.9 per cent to Euro10.63, the lowest since the lender began trading on the Xetra exchange in 1992, although it traded below that level in the early 1980s.
The stock has fallen more than 50 per cent so far this year.
The sell-off spread to other European banks, with all lenders on the Euro Stoxx bank index in the red.
抛售蔓延至其他欧洲银行,欧元区斯托克银行股指数(Euro Stoxx bank)中的所有银行股股价下跌。
Shares in Barclays slipped 2.7 per cent, while Santander lost 3.1 per cent.
The index itself was down 1.8 per cent.
The fall came after German magazine Focus reported that Chancellor Angela Merkel had ruled out providing any state aid for Deutsche ahead of elections in Germany next year.
在此次下跌之前,德国《焦点》(Focus)杂志报道称,德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)排除了在明年德国大选前为德银提供政府援助的可能性。
The magazine also said that Ms Merkel had dismissed intervening on behalf of the bank in the US, where it has been asked by the Department of Justice for a record $14bn to settle allegations of mis-selling mortgage securities.
Deutsche has said it will not pay anywhere near the threatened fine, which is close to its total market capitalisation of $18bn, and on Monday, Jörg Eigendorf, the bank’s head of external communications, said that Deutsche’s chief executive, John Cryan, had at no point asked Ms Merkel to intervene in the stand-off with the DoJ.
德银表示,它将不会支付接近这一威胁罚款的数额——这笔钱接近该行180亿美元的市值。该行对外联络部门主管约格•艾根多夫(Jörg Eigendorf)周一表示,德银首席执行官约翰•克赖恩(John Cryan)从未要求默克尔介入该行与美国司法部的对峙。
He also insisted that the bank was working to solve its problems alone.
This question ie. a government bailout] is not on our agenda: Deutsche Bank is determined to meet the challenges on its own, he said.
The question of a capital increase is currently not on the agenda, we comply with all regulatory requirements.