Brits top 20 phobias revealed - is your secret terror among them?
Clowns, broccoli, buttons, bananas and even the Pope are some of the bizarre phobias that have turned us into a nation of scaredy cats.
According to a study, our so-called irrational fears may be related to an event in our lives but in reality don't pose a threat.
Yet two thirds of adults admit they have never grown out of or come to terms with their phobia.
Half have nightmares about the weird objects that give them the creeps and more than a third keep their aversion hidden from friends and family.
Clowns topped the dread list with a fifth of adults terrified of the characters made infamous by evil dancing clown Pennywise from the movie version of horror novel It by Stephen King .
But research to mark the release of zombie series The Walking Dead : The Complete Sixth Season on Blu-ray and DVD on Monday found Brits have an irrational fear of everyday objects from plasters, fake nails and fizzy drinks to lumpy food, belly buttons and squirrels.
Psychologist and phobia specialist Dr Becky Spellman said: "Many, perhaps most of us have at least one irrational fear, which causes us to shudder with horror when we see or even think of the object of our dread.
心理学家和恐惧症专家Becky Spellman博士指出:“我们中大部分人都有打心底害怕的东西,这导致我们看到、甚至一想到这些东西就会恐惧颤抖
"One explanation is that we do live in a frightening world, and that every day we are all at risk - even if it is only a small risk - of experiencing something bad happening to us.
"In many ways, it is easier to concentrate our fears on something that is very unlikely to ever hurt us - like clowns - than to think about the real risks that we are facing, and that are much more likely to cause us problems in life.
"In this way, unless it gets out of hand, our irrational fear can be a useful coping mechanism to get by in an alarming world, by focusing negative feelings on something that is unlikely to ever hurt us."
20 top fears: Clowns, Feet, Birds, Bellybuttons , Lumpy food, Fish, Buttons, Bananas, Hair, Stairs , Food with holes in it, Fake nails, Beards, Shower curtains, Squirrels, Broccoli, The Pope, Plasters, Fizzy drinks, Pregnant women.
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