3.Nara Dreamland, Nara, Japan
First opened in 1961, near Nara, Japan, Nara Dreamland was a bit of a Disneyland rip-off.
It had a lot of the similar fairy tale characters like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and the park was colorfully painted.
But as time progressed, the park's popularity dwindled and in 2006, they officially closed their doors.
When it closed, much of the park was left intact and it is slowly being reclaimed by nature.
There are rusted roller coasters with foliage growing around it and weather beaten castles with faded pictures of cartoon characters.
The desolation of the abandoned park makes it a haunting dystopian nightmare that is scarier than any roller coaster that ever ran at the park.
2.Hoia Baciu Forest, Transylvania, Romania
Close to the city of Cluj Napoca in the region of Transylvania, Romania, is the Hoia Baciu forest.
The area, nicknamed the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania," first gained international notoriety in 1968 after a biologist took a picture of a UFO flying over it, but the forest itself is actually much creepier than the supposed UFO sighting.
Some of the creepy elements include the fact that a number of the trees are misshapen, making them look similar to a lower case "b" or "d."
Then, there is one part of the forest that is completely devoid of trees and paranormal researchers believe it is the epicenter for the strange activity in the forest.
This strangeness includes things like people who go into the forest often get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Other people return from the forest with strange rashes, unexplained cuts and burns.
There are also people who complain of nausea, vomiting and some people even lost time while in the forest.
The locals are also fearful of the forest because there are cases of people entering it and never leaving again.
A notable person is a shepherd, who the forest is named after. He walked into the forest with 200 sheep and none of them were ever seen again.
Locals also believe that the spirits of murdered people are trapped in the forest.
So if you're looking for a nice walk in the woods, you may want to avoid this one in Transylvania.
1.Poveglia Island, Italy
Understandably, people are unsettled by places where a lot of people have lost their lives.
If something like that is disturbing to you, we don't recommend that you make Poveglia Island, Italy as your next vacation designation.
Dubbed "the most haunted island in the world," Poveglia is in the Venice Lagoon and it has been used on and off since the 9th century.
In 1793, the island became a dumping ground for people with the plague. After the people were dead, they were burned and their ashes were scattered throughout the island.
Due to the amount of deaths, the soil of Poveglia is 50 percent ash. In addition to the ash, throughout the island there are mass burial sites waiting to be found.
Besides just being a quarantine zone, in 1922, the island became a mental institution and according to the rumors, the doctor who ran it was a sadistic madman, but no record of him could be found.
The island was abandoned in 1968 and it fell into decay. It is believed that 10,000 ghosts haunt the islands.
In May 2014, the island was sold to a private buyer for about $780,000.
It is unclear what the new owners plan to do with the supposedly haunted island.