For most of the past 15 years, China was the darling of emerging market investors as its demand for commodities lifted the fortunes of countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
But now, as China nurses a hangover from its debt-fuelled boom, fund managers are increasingly shunning it.
My way of describing our portfolio is to call it the post-China-world portfolio, says Ruchir Sharma, chief global strategist and head of the emerging markets equity team at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.
摩根士丹利投资管理公司(Morgan Stanley Investment Management)首席全球策略师、新兴市场股票团队主管鲁奇尔•夏尔马(Ruchir Sharma)表示:对于我们的投资组合,我将其称为‘中国后世界’组合。
The whole positioning is that China’s dream run is over and you have to look for investments that are as uncorrelated to China as possible.
He identifies South Asia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and parts of eastern Europe as relatively attractive emerging markets.
His scepticism towards the world’s second-largest economy is echoed by other fund managers, who see China’s corporate debt, the flagging dynamism of its private companies, and little progress in reform of state-owned enterprises as weighing on the country’s prospects for years to come.
Our portfolios are very underweight on China, says Gerardo Zamorano, manager of emerging market strategies at Brandes Investment Partners, which oversees $26bn in investments.
掌管着260亿美元投资的布兰德斯投资合伙公司(Brandes Investment Partner)的新兴市场战略经理赫拉尔多•萨莫拉诺(Gerardo Zamorano)表示:我们在投资组合中配置给中国的权重很低。
The gearing of the corporate sector in China has increased dramatically and a large part of new corporate loans are going towards paying off existing debts.
Shadow finance is also a concern.
Such disenchantment is reflected in a widening divergence between funds allocated to China-related assets and those invested in emerging markets as a whole, according to statistics compiled by EPFR.
The research company’s numbers show that while fund managers have poured capital into emerging markets as a whole since early July, they have withdrawn it from specialist China funds since mid-June.
The main deterrent is China’s corporate debt.
Although this issue has been well-flagged, disquiet over its size and sustainability is deepening.
A report by S&P Global Ratings estimates that China’s total outstanding corporate debt in 2015 was $17.8tn, or 171 per cent of GDP, making its corporate debt mountain by far the world’s largest in both absolute and relative terms.
据标普全球评级(S&P Global Ratings)发布的一份报告估计,2015年中国未结清企业债总计达17.8万亿美元,与国内生产总值(GDP)之比为171%。不论是绝对规模还是相对比率,中国企业债大山都是全球遥遥领先最大的。
Not only is the ratio of Chinese company debt to GDP more than double that in the US and the eurozone, it is projected to grow far more quickly as an increasing number of heavily indebted companies ramp up borrowing simply to repay debts that are due.
By 2020, China’s outstanding corporate debt will be $32.6tn, while its share of global company borrowings will have risen to 43 per cent from 35 per cent last year, according to S&P estimates.
More worrying than China’s debt mountain is its shaky internal structure.
Just over half of the 1,943 large Chinese companies assessed by S&P fell into the agency’s highly leveraged category, the most risky of five classifications based on a company’s perceived ability to service debts out of earnings.
Such dynamics have divided opinion.
Some say a sudden slowdown in China’s growth rate would push legions of Chinese groups over the edge, resulting in a surge in bond defaults and non-performing loans.
Others counter that the Chinese state will ride to the rescue to prevent any systemic credit crunch.
China’s debt is overwhelmingly a family affair, says Luke Spajic, head of portfolio management for emerging Asia at Pimco, an asset manager. We expect leverage to rise, but the important point is that they are borrowing within the family.
资产管理公司太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)新兴亚洲组合投资管理主管卢克•斯帕伊奇(Luke Spajic)表示,中国债务在很大程度上属于家庭事务,我们预计杠杆率将上升,但重要的是他们在家庭内部借贷。
He notes China’s economy is largely a closed system in which state-owned banks, which are answerable ultimately to Beijing, lend to domestic companies, while bonds are bought mostly by state-owned financial institutions.
Beijing’s control over this system, allied to its policy of flooding the economy with liquidity, has meant that financial institutions take a dovish attitude to non-performing loans and encourage debt rollovers.
The S&P report estimates that $13.4tn, or nearly half, of credit demand in China by 2020 will be for refinancing purposes.
Thus, Mr Spajic says, while China has a plethora of problems — including private sector investment growth falling close to zero, a reliance on inefficient state-owned enterprises and a high level of bad debts in the banking system — the strength of state control should allow Beijing to manage its frailties.
Nevertheless, he expects China to resume a policy of currency depreciation to lift growth.
Other managers say China’s debt problems bedevil the whole emerging markets investment opportunity because China assets generally have a large weighting in benchmark indices, meaning benchmark-linked funds are unable to avoid a hefty exposure to China.
For example, the MSCI Emerging Market index has a 26 per cent weighting to China.
The resolution of the Chinese question is something that weighs across the EM asset class, says Leon Eidelman, emerging markets portfolio manager at JPMorgan Asset Management.
中国问题的解决拖累着整个新兴市场资产类别,摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorgan Asset Management)新兴市场组合投资经理莱昂•艾德尔曼(Leon Eidelman)表示,
I don’t think it takes a lot to look at the Chinese financial sector and see how precarious some of these banks are.
The amount of off-balance-sheet loans, loans that are booked as receivables, and short-term lending to non-bank financial institutions far outweighs capital buffers.
However, Alex Wolf, emerging markets economist at Standard Life, says China is such a large country that even though its GDP growth rate is likely to slow gradually as Beijing grapples with its debt problem, there will still parts of the economy that remain attractive .
然而,标准人寿(Standard Life)新兴市场经济学家亚历克斯•沃尔夫(Alex Wolf)表示,中国规模庞大,尽管在北京方面应对国内债务问题之际,GDP增速可能逐渐放缓,但一些经济领域仍然具备吸引力。
While steel, cement, mining and other old-economy stalwarts are struggling, there are plenty of opportunities in the service and technology sectors for those who take a more nuanced view of China, Mr Wolf says.
As for the rest of Asia, economies such as those of the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and India provide investors with plenty of scope for emerging market investing, he adds.