Until recently, a good motto for the well-paid British chief executive would have been united we stand, divided we rise.
Businesses often act together to fight measures that may dent corporate profits, as a group of trade associations did this week in pushing back against government attempts to raise its national living wage for those at the bottom of the pay scale.
On their own pay, though, chief executives work separately, tackling each challenge at company level.
The High Pay Centre lobby group’s annual survey of FTSE 100 bosses’ pay — issued, by cruel coincidence, the same day as the living wage letter — underlines the effectiveness of such tactics.
游说组织高薪中心(High Pay Centre)对富时100指数(FTSE)成分股公司CEO的薪资进行的年度调查,突显出这种手段的有效性。这项调查发布与CEO发出抗议最低工资的联名信是在同一天,可谓残酷的巧合。
Heads of big UK companies have seen their average pay rise by a third since 2010 and were paid more than 140 times employees’ average wages in 2015.
Theresa May, the prime minister, has called their bluff.
英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)戳穿了他们的把戏。
By pointing out, days before her appointment last month, how perceptions of bosses’ pay undermine trust in the privileged few of the corporate establishment, she may finally draw them into the debate they have tried to ignore.
Rarely do executives defend their own rewards publicly.
One exception is Sir Martin Sorrell, ranked as Britain’s best-paid FTSE 100 chief executive, who in 2012 wrote a defiant opinion piece for the Financial Times despite attempts by people close to the WPP chief to deter him.
一个例外是英国薪资最高的富时100成分股公司CEO苏铭天爵士(Sir Martin Sorrell,见上图)。2012年,尽管接近这位WPP首席执行官的人士曾经试图阻止他,但他还是为英国《金融时报》写下了一篇挑衅性评论文章。
He claimed he was merely behaving as an owner rather than a manager.
I thought that was the object of the exercise, he wrote.
A more concerted effort by companies to defend — let alone curb — levels of executive pay would be unthinkable.
More to the point, it would be unnecessary.
Chief executives are sheltered by the very pay data their companies are required to publish.
This market information is brandished by compensation consultants to justify above-average contract settlements for corporate leaders, and used by headhunters to bait the lines for their successors.
In addition, executive pay, however elevated, is trivial compared with overall payroll costs.
And the forces campaigning against inflated executive rewards are weak.
UK investment institutions have less clout than they used to, even assuming they choose to spend time actively analysing pay levels.
Non-executive directors are too timid.
Pliable board members are corralled into remuneration committees that rarely shake the status quo, let alone claw back pay awards when underperformance exposes them as excessive.
Rather than challenge high pay, boards can fall back on their legal responsibilities to shareholders.
Guy Jubb, a governance expert, pointed out last month that the duties of directors are too permissive and have given legitimacy to implementing excessive boardroom pay practices.
公司治理方面的专家盖伊•朱布(Guy Jubb)不久前指出,董事的责任太过宽松,为付给董事高薪的做法提供了合法性。
As Frank Field, the opposition Labour party MP, put it more bluntly in London’s Evening Standard: The model that has emerged over the past 30 years is a con.
反对党工党议员弗兰克•菲尔德(Frank Field)在《伦敦标准晚报》(London Evening Standard)上更直白地写道:过去30年出现的那种模式是个骗局。
Enter Mrs May.
Her proposals — annual binding votes on what chief executives are paid, worker representation on boards — have flaws but they point in the right direction; drawing board members from a wider range of backgrounds, for instance, would increase the likelihood of challenge.
More important, while her intervention may not yet have changed the law, it has changed the environment.
The level and terms of executive pay are now, rightly, the subject of a political discussion at the highest level.
Mrs May’s intervention set chief executives’ richly cushioned position in sharp relief against the precarious existence of those workers counting on the living wage.
She should make business leaders realise that what they have grown used to treating as a little local difficulty is a national problem that, for once, requires a collective response.