When a patient shows up at a hospital with severe abdominal pain and an ultrasound reveals a mass in his stomach, it's only logical to think first of a tumor, perhaps cancer.
And that's just what surgeons at Amritsar Corporate Hospital in India at first assumed, according to a hospital news release. But then they put a camera down into the man's stomach "and saw a very different kind of thing," Jatinder Malholtra, the chief surgeon, told The Washington Post.
So different was it, they had never seen such a sight. And they found not just one of these things but many of them.
The things were knives, pocket knives, each about seven inches long. "In 20 years, I've never seen such a patient," Malholtra said in an interview. "I was amazed."
"We asked the patient whether he had consumed these knives in a few days or a few months," said Malholtra. "He said he had taken 28 in number in the last two months."
A team of five surgeons opened the patient up. They found exactly 28 knives, just like the man said.
But while some of the knives were folded up, some were not. Their blades exposed, the man was bleeding profusely. He could not have survived much longer, Malholtra added.
Perhaps the man, a 42-year-old police officer, had miscalculated. Perhaps his appetite for knives was greater than even he knew. After all, a man who eats knives is not normal。
They did another scan in the operating theater and sure enough, found another 12, bringing the total to 40.
Why would a man swallow any knives, let alone 40?
The man simply said "I don't know why. They were taken on impulse only."
In fact, there is a condition called Pica, once described in the Journal of the American Board of Medicine, as "common, but commonly missed."
Pica, said the article. "is the compulsive eating of nonnutritive substances. Although it has been described since antiquity, there has been no single agreed-upon explanation of the cause of such behavior."