An anonymous artist has, perhaps illegally, taken the Pokemon Go craze to a whole new level.
A large Pikachu statue popped up overnight in New Orleans' Coliseum Square Park last Sunday. Reddit user "Salamanagement" posted a picture of the statue later that day, and fans began visiting the figure.
The "Pokemonument," nicknamed after the inscription on the back of the statue, is made of fiberglass, but painted to look bronze.
The statue seems like it was made with careful planning — the base fits perfectly in the spot where a fountain used to sit.
City officials have yet to make a statement on whether the statue will remain in the park. Nearby residents said they're not against the idea of letting Pikachu stay.
"It's a defunct fountain," Karen Reese, a member of the park's neighborhood association, told online news site Uptown Messenger. "It's actually on our list of fountains to get running again. So as long as it's sitting here without any water flowing, it's okay with me."
"喷泉已经废弃了。"公园居民联合会的成员凯伦·里瑟在接受新闻网站Uptown Messenger的采访时表示,"其实我们想让喷泉重新运作起来。虽然雕塑在那里没有水的流动,但对我来说还是可以的。"